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Jim Clyburn's Public Statements on Issue: Guns


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (SC) - District 6

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11/23/2022 Tweet - "I'm horrified by the reports of yet another mass shooting--this time in Chesapeake, VA. My thoughts are with the family and loved ones of those lost in this tragedy, right before the holiday season. We must enact stronger gun violence prevention laws to protect our communities."
11/20/2022 Tweet - "Horrifying that as we mark #TransDayofRemembrance today, we are met with the news of a deadly shooting targeting the LGBTQ+ community in Colorado Springs. Hate and guns are a lethal mix. We must stamp out hatred and prevent perpetrators of hate crimes from obtaining firearms."
09/13/2022 Tweet - "The first Assault Weapons Ban was signed into law 28 years ago today. @GiffordsCourage estimates that the ban lowered the likelihood of mass shooting deaths by 70%. The Senate must do its part to send the @HouseDemocrats -passed Assault Weapons Ban to the President's desk."
09/07/2022 Tweet - "South Carolina has the 10th highest rate of gun deaths in the United States. That's why @HouseDemocrats passed the Protecting Our Kids Act and the Assault Weapons Ban of 2022. We will always fight to #EndGunViolence and protect our communities."
08/19/2022 Tweet - "The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act @POTUS signed into law tightens the deadly "boyfriend loophole" to prevent those convicted of domestic violence from buying and owning a gun. This long overdue law will save lives."
07/13/2022 Tweet - "When dealing with an active shooter, law enforcement ought to be able to alert the public quickly and efficiently. The House just passed the Active Shooter Alert Act, which will enable law enforcement to send emergency alerts about nearby active shooters."
07/11/2022 Tweet - "The Bipartisan #SaferCommunities Act is the most significant piece of gun violence prevention legislation signed into law in decades. This historic bill will save lives and bring us one step closer to ending gun violence in our communities."
07/08/2022 Tweet - "In 2020-21, >1M NICS background checks were incomplete after 3 business days; then guns could be legally sold. It's how the Emanuel AME shooter got a gun. My bill to close this loophole passed the House. The Senate must send it to the President's desk."
07/07/2022 Tweet - "Gun violence has a deadly hold on our nation. The Gun Violence Archive has counted over 300 mass shootings this year--including the horrifying tragedy in Highland Park. I recently spoke with @RepLucyMcBath about the fight to end this epidemic."
07/05/2022 Tweet - "The images and firsthand accounts emerging from Highland Park, Illinois are gut-wrenching. What should have been a joyous day of celebration was shattered by a hateful act of gun violence. Congress must do more to protect our communities."
06/24/2022 Tweet - "Today, for the first time in nearly 30 years, Congress has sent a gun violence prevention bill to the President's desk. It will help keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, crack down on unlicensed sellers & traffickers, and enhance background checks for those under 21."
06/17/2022 Tweet - "Today we remember the 9 innocent worshipers who were murdered at Mother Emanuel AME Church. Since that tragic day, our nation has not enacted significant legislation to prevent gun violence. The Senate must act to prevent future tragedies like this for ever happening again."
06/12/2022 Tweet - "Today marks six years since the Pulse Nightclub massacre. As we honor the 49 people that lost their lives in the tragedy, we are reminded that the threat of hate persists in our country. None of us are safe until we are all safe."
06/10/2022 Tweet - "Just weeks after Buffalo & Uvalde, most House R's voted against bills to: - Enact a federal red flag law - Raise the age to buy semiautomatic rifles - Bolster gun trafficking laws, and more. @HouseDemocrats are working to protect our communities. Who is @HouseGOP working for?"
06/09/2022 Tweet - "If there is good reason to believe someone poses a threat, they should not have access to firearms. Today, the House passed a federal red flag law, which would establish a process by which individuals determined to be dangerous are prevented from having these deadly weapons."
06/08/2022 Tweet - "A child smearing a classmate's blood on themselves to hide from a shooter, a little girl identifiable only by her bright green sneakers -- these are the kind of stories the @SenateGOP has decided we must live with by refusing to act on House-passed gun violence prevention bills."
06/08/2022 Tweet - "Firearms were the leading cause of death for American children in 2020. Today, the House will vote on the #ProtectingOurKidsAct to reduce the gun violence in our communities and ensure our kids can grow up to realize their bright futures. Action is long overdue."
06/03/2022 Tweet - "Today, on National Gun Violence Awareness Day, Americans across the country are wearing orange to remember the lives lost to gun violence every year. But, wearing orange is not enough. The Senate must join the House in passing common-sense legislation to protect our communities."
06/02/2022 Tweet - "Proud @HouseJudiciary is working to advance this comprehensive gun violence prevention package. If nearly all R's continue to sit on their hands while children are dying, Americans will clearly see who's fighting to protect our kids--and who's fighting to leave them unprotected."
05/25/2022 Tweet - "There are no words that can ease the indescribable pain and devastation the families and the community in Uvalde are experiencing. 21 innocent lives and counting. 19 children. How many do we have to lose before the Senate is willing to act?"
05/19/2022 Tweet - "Today @HouseDemocrats joined together to denounce the white supremacist violence in our communities and honor the memories of those lost in Buffalo, NY. The tragedy in Buffalo echoes the 2015 shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church. Hatred is destructive and we must combat it."
04/20/2022 Tweet - "Today we remember the 13 lives taken in Littleton, Colorado during the Columbine High School massacre. In the 23 years since, Congress has yet to send legislation to curb the gun violence epidemic to the President's desk. The House has done its part. The Senate must act now."
04/11/2022 Tweet - "I applaud the Biden-Harris Admin for their efforts to address the troubling number of ghost guns in our streets. Homemade firearms are untraceable & just as deadly as any other guns. Serializing them & requiring background checks for gun kits will make our communities safer."
03/11/2022 Tweet - "Today marks 1 yr since the House passed the Enhanced Background Checks Act, my bill to close the #Charlestonloophole. This bill can help prevent tragedies like the Emanuel AME Church massacre that occurred on June 17, 2015 from happening ever again. The Senate must act."
12/14/2021 Tweet - "Today marks 9 years since the tragic Sandy Hook shooting that cost the lives of 20 children and 6 educators. As we remember the lives of these victims, we must continue our work to pass common sense gun reform legislation to protect our children"

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