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Jim Clyburn's Public Statements on Issue: Housing and Property


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (SC) - District 6

Date Title
04/19/2022 Tweet - "Only when we achieve the full promise of #FairHousing will we see economic opportunity, an end to homelessness in America, and affordable housing for all. I applaud Chairwoman @RepMaxineWaters and @FSCDems , as @HouseDemocrats continue the fight this #FairHousingMonth."
10/14/2021 Tweet - "Americans like Akira, who have done everything right in the federal rental assistance application process, are still finding themselves at risk of losing their homes. States must act now and distribute these life-saving funds."
10/06/2021 Tweet - "Something is very wrong when the tenants who need rental assistance the most are deterred by their own landlords or lost in their state's assistance backlog. States must do what is necessary and get these rental assistance funds out."
09/01/2021 Tweet - "The steps announced today by the Biden-Harris Admin are an important step to combat our nation's housing affordability crisis. Now we must build on it by enacting the Build Back Better Agenda to make housing more accessible & affordable for all Americans."
09/01/2021 Tweet - "Where there is a will, there is a way and I think what we have here is a lack of will to find a way. The slow distribution of rental assistance funds by some state governments puts the health, safety and stability of millions at risk. States must take action without delay."
08/05/2021 Tweet - "Sometimes numbers speak louder than words, and no number speaks louder than zero. That's pretty much where South Carolina is when it comes to disbursing rental assistance. South Carolina must help renters access this important lifeline."
08/03/2021 Tweet - "I cannot overstate how serious the evictions crisis is. It's gut-wrenching to see a family's belongings out in the street. Plus, the emotional, social, and academic impact of an eviction on children can be devastating. States must get the rental assistance funds out now."
07/30/2021 Tweet - "I'm disappointed that House and Senate Republicans refused to join with us to protect those facing eviction. We weren't asking for any additional money. Our state and local governments just need more time to get these critical funds in the hands of those who need them most."
07/27/2021 Tweet - "I am deeply troubled by reports that many corporate landlords have been aggressively evicting thousands from their homes during the pandemic, particularly in minority communities. We must ensure the law is followed and rental assistance is available for those who need it."
07/27/2021 Tweet - "I am deeply troubled by reports that many corporate landlords have been aggressively evicting thousands from their homes during the pandemic, particularly in minority communities. We must ensure the law is followed and rental assistance is available for those who need it."
04/11/2021 Tweet - "We recognize today's anniversary of the Fair Housing Act in the midst of a homelessness crisis exacerbated by #COVID19. The #AmericanRescuePlan will help keep Americans in their homes. We must continue our work to make high-quality housing accessible and affordable for all."
08/27/2020 Tweet - "The House-passed #HeroesAct extends & expands the CARES Act eviction moratorium, while providing $100 billion for rental assistance and $75 billion for mortgage assistance. The Senate & White House must negotiate in good faith to keep people in their homes."
07/29/2020 Tweet - "Over 50% of South Carolina renters may be at risk of eviction if the safeguards provided by the CARES Act are not renewed. The House extended these protections two months ago with the HEROES Act. The Senate needs to act before Americans lose their homes."
06/12/2020 Tweet - "Evictions were a crisis even before the pandemic. They'll soon skyrocket if Congress doesn't act. My bill-the Legal Assistance to Prevent Evictions Act-is an important part of the solution. Tenants must have legal representation to protect their rights."
06/12/2020 Tweet - "Evictions were a crisis even before the pandemic. They'll soon skyrocket if Congress doesn't act. My bill-the Legal Assistance to Prevent Evictions Act-is an important part of the solution. Tenants must have legal representation to protect their rights."
03/13/2020 Majority Whip Clyburn, Sen. Bennet, Reps. Price, Clarke, and Khanna Introduce Legislation to Provide Legal Assistance to Tenants Facing Eviction
12/20/2019 Tweet - "In 2019, I introduced legislation on affordable housing, student loan debt, reducing gun violence, and more. As we go into 2020, I will continue to fight to make America's greatness accessible and affordable for all."
10/30/2019 Tweet - "This administration wants to auction off our public lands to the highest bidder. We will not sit idly by and allow this president to contaminate our lands and desecrate our national resources for monetary gain. We must #ProtectOurLands."
10/23/2019 Tweet - "The growing gap between wages and housing costs is a crisis that must be addressed. Our legislation offers bold solutions to immediately ensure that cost-burdened families can afford their rent while taking steps to bring down rent for everyone."
09/10/2019 Tweet - " I am pleased legislation requiring carbon monoxide detectors in public housing received overwhelming bi-partisan support in the House today. This common sense measure will save lives."
07/01/2019 Tweet - "Studying housing regulations doesn't address the affordable housing crisis exacerbated by this president's tax cuts. Any solution must be centered on low income renters & purchasers and include a substantial and sustained federal investment."
07/27/2018 Tweet - "#GOPTaxScam projected to cost 235,000 #affordablehousing units & 262,000 related jobs. My bill with @RepDelBene would restore tax credits to make up for these losses. #LIHTC"
05/23/2018 Tweet - "The fact of the matter is the Republican tax bill is a massive windfall for the wealthiest few at the expense of working people. #GOPTaxScam (1/3)"
05/17/2018 Tweet - "Thanks to my friend @RepDavidEPrice for offering our amendment to provide legal representation to those facing eviction. We have an eviction crisis in this country. No one should lose their home without a lawyer. Disappointed about today's outcome; we will continue this fight"