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Ralph Hall's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


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Date Title
05/17/2012 Letter to The Honorable Lisa Jackson Administrator The Environmental Protection Agency
04/26/2012 Chairman Hall and Rep. Cravaack Named Conferees on Surface Transportation Bill
03/30/2012 Hall Applauds Court Ruling to Halt EPA's Job-Killing Assault on Texas, Supporting States' Rights
03/27/2012 Committee Chairmen Admonish President's Proposed Regulation to Increase the Cost of Energy
02/17/2012 Hearing of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - An Overview of the Administration's Federal Research and Development Budget for Fiscal Year 2013
12/21/2011 Committee Leaders Criticize EPA Utility MACT Announcement
12/13/2011 Committee Chairmen Highlight Unanswered Questions about Major Forthcoming EPA Rule
10/28/2011 Members Seek Answers on Transparency of EPA Study
10/20/2011 Hall Statement on EPA Announcement to Regulate Wastewater from Natural Gas Production
10/06/2011 Chairman Hall Statement on EPA's Announcement to Revise Cross-State Air Pollution Rule
10/05/2011 The Washington Times - Fighting Obama's Job-Killing Agenda
09/23/2011 Hall Votes for TRAIN Act; Deregulation a Step Towards Job Creation
09/21/2011 Hall Announces Committee Investigation into Unauthorized NOAA Climate Service
09/15/2011 Witnesses Denounce EPA Cross-State Air Pollution Rule
09/15/2011 Hearing of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - Out of Thin Air: EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule
09/13/2011 Hall Critical of EPA Regulation that will Cost 4th District Jobs, Will Hold Hearing Thursday
09/09/2011 Hall Supports Lasting Job Creation
09/02/2011 Chairman Hall Statement on President's Announcement Withdrawing EPA's Ozone Regulation
07/28/2011 Hearing of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - H.R. 2484, the Harmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia Research and Control Amendments Act of 2011
07/22/2011 Hearing of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee - NOAA's Climate Service Proposal
06/22/2011 Committee Evaluates NOAA Climate Service Proposal
05/11/2011 Hearing of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee - Review of Hydraulic Fracturing Technology and Practices
05/11/2011 Hearing Highlights Lack of Objectivity in Draft EPA Fracking Study
04/18/2011 Letter to Lisa Jackson, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army of Civil Works - Clean Water Act Program
03/31/2011 Hearing of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - Climate Change: Examining the Processes Used to Create Science and Policy

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