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Ralph Hall's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending


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Date Title
05/16/2014 Hall Calls for Timely Consideration of Red River AMPV Program
03/14/2014 Hall Works to Preserve Medicare
10/08/2013 House Asks Senate for Bipartisan Meeting to Discuss Budget Solution
05/09/2013 Hall Votes to Prevent Default Without Raising Debt Ceiling
03/05/2013 House Holds President Accountable on Budget Transparency
02/12/2013 Hall Responds to President's State of the Union Address
02/06/2013 Hall Supports "Require a PLAN Act," Holds President Accountable for Balanced Budget
01/23/2013 House Passes "No Budget, No Pay"
01/03/2013 As New Congress Convenes, Congressman Hall Urges Debt Reduction and Other Common-Sense Reforms
01/02/2013 Hall Opposes Fiscal Cliff Measure, Cites Lack of Spending Cuts
07/19/2012 Hall Votes for Budget Sequester Transparency
07/12/2012 Hall Votes to Fully Repeal "Obamacare"
06/28/2012 Hall Statement on Supreme Court's Decision to Uphold Obamacare
04/16/2012 Promoting a Healthy Economy through Spending Cuts and Tax Reform
03/29/2012 Hall Votes for Fiscally Responsible Budget
03/07/2012 Hearing of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee - An Overview of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Budget for Fiscal Year 2013
02/07/2012 Hall Votes for Budget Accounting Reform
02/03/2012 Hall Votes for Spending Accountability, Transparency
02/02/2012 Hall Votes to Repeal "CLASS" Act in President's Health Care Law
01/18/2012 Hall Disapproves Debt Limit Increase, Reaffirms Commitment to Cut Spending
11/30/2011 Hearing of the House Administration Committee - Use of Committee Funds of the 112th Congress
08/01/2011 Hall Votes District, Expresses Concern with Budget Control Act
07/30/2011 Hall Calls for Real Solution to Debt Crisis
06/30/2011 Message To House Leadership: Create Jobs And Cut Spending
05/31/2011 Hall Votes "No" On Debt Ceiling Increase

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