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Lamar Smith's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch

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Date Title
04/25/2018 House Approves Judiciary Committee's Bipartisan Music Licensing Legislation
04/11/2018 Goodlatte, Nadler, Collins, Jeffries, Issa, Johnson, Smith, Deutch, Introduce Music Licensing Package
04/11/2018 House Judiciary Committee Approves Bipartisan Music Licensing Legislation
04/10/2018 Goodlatte, Nadler, Collins, Jeffries, Issa, Johnson, Smith, Deutch, Introduce Music Licensing Package
06/16/2017 Rep. Smith Statement on Trump Administration Ending Obama Executive Amnesty Program
09/09/2016 Smith, Johnson Request Additional Materials on Hillary Clinton's Private Server
08/22/2016 Smith, With Support of Johnson, Issues Subpoenas to Hillary Clinton's Private Email Server Companies
07/27/2016 Smith Statement on MA, NY Attorneys' General, Environmental Groups' Refusal to Comply with Subpoena
09/17/2015 Goodlatte Praises House Passage of Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act to Curb Lawsuit Abuse
06/25/2015 Smith Responds to Supreme Court Ruling on Obamacare
06/11/2015 House Judiciary Committee Approves Goodlatte Patent Reform Bill by Overwhelming, Bipartisan Vote
05/14/2015 House Judiciary Committee Passes Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act to Curb Lawsuit Abuse
02/05/2015 Goodlatte, DeFazio, Issa, Nadler, Smith, Lofgren, Eshoo Introduce Patent Litigation Reform Bill
02/05/2015 Smith & Grassley Introduce Bill to Combat Lawsuit Abuse
09/25/2014 Smith Responds to Attorney General Holder Resignation
07/30/2014 Smith Backs Lawsuit Against Obama
11/14/2013 Chairman Goodlatte Applauds House Passage of Bill to Combat Lawsuit Abuse
10/23/2013 Bipartisan Bill Reduces Frivolous Patent Lawsuits
09/11/2013 House Judiciary Committee Approves Bill to Combat Lawsuit Abuse
07/11/2013 Smith Bill Combats Lawsuit Abuse
07/13/2012 Smith: DOJ's Challenge to Texas Law Crumbles in Court
01/23/2012 Smith: Dangerous Criminal Immigrants Deserve No Favors from U.S.
01/26/2010 Bill Requires Consultation Before Giving Terrorists Miranda Rights
01/26/2010 Illegal Immigration Hurts Lower Skilled Citizens And Legal Immigrants
11/19/2009 Smith Requests DOJ Docs On Gitmo Trials

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