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Gene Green's Public Statements on Issue: Environment

Date Title
08/29/2018 Letter to the Hon. Greg Walden, Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and the Hon. John Shimkus, Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Environment - E&C Democrats Renew Request for Hearing on EPA Management of Toxic Chemicals
08/23/2018 Letter to the Hon. Andrew Wheeler, Acting Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - House Democrats Urge Epa Chief to Suspend Efforts to Weaken Safety Standards for Chemical Facilities
08/09/2018 Letter to the Hon.Brock Long, Administrator of Federal Emergency Management Agency - Culberson and Green Urge FEMA to Extend NFIP Deadline
07/09/2018 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump - Rescind Illegal Anti-Worker Executive Orders
06/07/2018 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator - Withdraw "Transparency Rule" That Will Damage Environmental Protection
05/03/2018 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator - Push for 90-day Comment Period on New EPA "Selective Science" Policy
03/16/2018 Letter to the Hon Ken Calvert, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, and the Hon Betty McCollum, Ranking Member of the Committee on Appropriations, Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies - Sinema Calls on Congress to Protect National Parks for Everyday Arizonans
09/26/2017 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Rep. Green Letter Requests for Answers from EPA Secretary Pruitt on Exposure Risk from Harvey Superfund Spill
07/13/2016 Letter to the Hon. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House - Act on Flint Before House Adjourns
04/24/2016 Letter to the Hon. Barack Obama, President of the United States - Federal Assistance For Flood Recovery
04/18/2016 Letter to the Hon. Jon Jarvis, Director, National Park Service - Urging NPS to Focus on Diversity
07/28/2015 Letter to The Honorable Gina McCarthy, Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Re: National Ambient Air Quality Stadards
09/19/2014 Letter to Harold Rogers, Chairman, and Nita Lowey, Ranking Member, of the House Appropriations Committee, Mike Simpson, Chairman, and Marcy Kaptur, Ranking Member, of the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Appropriations - ENC Waterways
05/08/2014 Letter to Fred Upton, Chairman Committee on Energy and Commerce - Hearing on National Climate Assessment
02/20/2014 Letter to Michael Froman, US Trade Representative - Retain Strong Environmental Protections in Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
03/18/2013 Letter to Secretary Kerry - Keystone Pipeline
02/05/2013 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Keystone XL Pipeline
01/18/2012 Letter to Chairman Upton and Chairman Shimkus
11/01/2011 Letter to Speaker Boehner
06/01/2011 Letter to The Honorable Fred Upton, The Honorable John Shimkus
02/18/2011 Letter to Craig Fugate, Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency - Discontinue FEMA's Use of "Without Levees" Analysis
02/15/2011 Letter to U.S. House of Representatives
09/28/2010 Letter to The President
08/31/2010 Letter to Kenneth Salazar, Secretary of the Department of Interior - New Permits for Shallow Water Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
05/27/2010 Letter to The Honorable Kenneth L. Salazar, Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior