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Bernie Sanders' Public Statements on Issue: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (VT) - Sr

Date Title
05/11/2022 Tweet - "If you can't stand up for a woman's right to choose, for voting rights, for an economy that works for all, why are you caucusing with the Senate Democrats? We need a Democratic Majority where all members believe in economic, racial, social and environmental justice."
01/18/2022 Tweet - "Since June of last year, 17 states have enacted 28 new laws that restrict voting access. Let's be clear. If we are serious about calling ourselves a democracy, we must make it easier for people to vote -- not harder."
01/18/2022 Tweet - "Tomorrow, the Senate is going to be casting an enormously important vote about whether we preserve the foundations of democracy. As of now, two Democrats will join the Republicans to vote against us and we will lose that vote. Let me tell you why I hope they change their minds."
01/17/2022 Tweet - "As the voting rights bill finally comes to the floor of the Senate, there is only one vote which will really matter. Will 50 Democrats vote to override the filibuster, protect American democracy and pass the bill, or will Manchin and Sinema vote with the GOP and let the bill die?"
01/17/2022 Tweet - "As we celebrate the extraordinary life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., let us not just celebrate the man, but remember the values and vision that motivated him."
12/26/2021 Tweet - "Archbishop Tutu helped end apartheid in South Africa by reminding us, "if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." We remember this hero as we continue the work for equality and justice".
07/19/2019 Tweet - "Voting is a right. Americans with disabilities deserve accessible voting and elected leaders that prioritize issues that matter to their community. This National Disability Voter Registration Week, let's fight for full inclusion and accessibility in voting and everywhere else."
07/16/2019 Tweet - "No worker should be told they're lucky to get less than minimum wage. People with disabilities deserve jobs that pay a living wage. It's time to end the subminimum wage and guarantee truly integrated employment opportunities for people with disabilities."