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Bernie Sanders' Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (VT) - Sr

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Date Title
10/18/2023 NEWS: Sanders, Brown, and 32 Colleagues Introduce Senate Resolution in Solidarity with UAW Workers on Strike
10/18/2023 NEWS: Sanders, Brown, and 32 Colleagues Introduce Senate Resolution in Solidarity with UAW Workers on Strike
10/17/2023 NEWS: Sanders Statement on the Field Hearing on the Nursing Crisis in New Jersey and Throughout the Country
09/12/2023 NEWS: Sanders Statement on Corporate Media Coverage of Pending UAW Strike
08/22/2023 NEWS: Sanders Stands in Solidarity with Nearly 2,000 Nurses on Strike at One of New Jersey's Biggest Hospitals
07/25/2023 NEWS: Sanders, Scott, 29 Democratic Senators, Introduce Legislation to Raise the Minimum Wage to $17 by 2028, Benefitting Nearly 28 Million Workers Across America
06/20/2023 NEWS: Chairman Sanders Opens Sweeping Investigation into Amazon Warehouse Safety and Calls for Amazon Workers to Share Their Stories
05/30/2023 NEWS: Ahead of HELP Hearing, Sanders and Murray Release Report on Worsening Child Care Crisis, Imminent Funding Cliff
05/17/2023 NEWS: Sanders, DeLauro, 122 Colleagues in the House and Senate Introduce Legislation that Would Finally Guarantee Paid Sick Leave to Workers in America
05/01/2023 MEDIA ADVISORY: Sanders to Make Announcement on Federal Minimum Wage
10/04/2022 Letter to Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, Mellody Hobson, Chair of the Starbucks Board of Directors - Markey, Warren, Sanders, Blumenthal Blast Starbucks for Brazen, Illegal Union-busting Campaign
08/09/2021 NEWS: Senate Budget Chairman Sanders and Majority Leader Schumer Introduce Historic Budget Resolution
04/20/2021 Congresswoman Escobar Joins Senator Markey and Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez to Reintroduce the Green New Deal Resolution
01/26/2021 Jayapal Introduces Legislation to Raise the Federal Minimum Wage to $15 as She Continues Organizing for Working People
05/20/2020 Menendez, Colleagues Blast JetBlue, Delta for Accepting Federal CARES Act Bailout Funds and Then Cutting Employees' Hours, Paychecks
04/18/2020 Sanders, Warner, Jones and Blumenthal Unveil Sweeping Policy to Guarantee Workers' Paychecks
03/12/2020 Feinstein, Smith Introduce Bill to Protect Quarantined Workers From Being Fired or Punished by Employers Amid Coronavirus
11/15/2018 Sanders, Khanna Introduce The Stop WALMART Act to Put Workers Over Shareholders
06/08/2018 Sanders Promotes Employee-Ownership as Alternative to Greedy Corporations
05/22/2018 Sanders Accepts Amazon's Invitation to Visit Fulfillment Center
05/09/2018 Sanders, Pocan Lead Bill to Restore Workers' Rights
07/19/2017 Sanders, Conyers, Holmes Norton Announce Youth Jobs Bill
05/25/2017 $15 Minimum Wage Introduced with Broad Support in Senate and House
05/11/2017 Sanders, Gillibrand, Polis, Delaney, and Pocan Introduce Legislation To Address Income Inequality
05/11/2017 Legislative Package Introduced to Encourage Employee-Owned Companies

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