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Bernie Sanders' Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (VT) - Sr

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Date Title
04/15/2015 Concurrent Resolution on the Budget, Fiscal Year 2016
04/15/2015 Concurrent Resolution on the Budget, Fiscal Year 2016--Continued-
02/12/2015 Social Security Disability Insurance Program
02/05/2015 Social Security
12/15/2014 Executive Session
12/02/2014 Nomination of Robert S. Adler to be a Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission
06/12/2014 Veterans Health Care
06/11/2014 Making Continuing Appropriations During a Government Shutdown
06/11/2014 Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act-Motion to Proceed
06/05/2014 Nomination of Carolyn Hessler-Radelet to be Director of the Peace Corps
06/03/2014 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions
05/22/2014 Unanimous Consent Request -- H.R. 4031 and S. 1982
05/08/2014 Nomination of Pamela K. Hamamoto to be Representative of the United Stats of America to the Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva with the Rank of Ambassador
02/11/2014 Repealing Section 403 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 - Motion to Proceed
01/08/2014 Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act -- Motion to Proceed
12/11/2013 Executive Session
11/21/2013 The Caregivers Act
11/05/2013 Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013 - Motion to Proceed
10/11/2013 Default Prevention Act of 2013--Motion to Proceed--Continued
09/19/2013 Confronting Realities
05/22/2013 Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013
05/16/2013 The IRS
05/08/2013 Statements On Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions
04/24/2013 Senate Concurrent Resolution 15- Expressing the Sense of Congress that the Chained Consumer Price Index Should Not Be Use to Calculate Cost-Of-Living Adjustments for Social Security or Veterans Benefits, or to Increase the Tax Burden on Low- and Middle-Income Taxpayers
04/16/2013 Statements On Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions

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