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Jim Moran, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Animals and Wildlife

Date Title
05/29/2014 Moran Amendment to Ban Horse Slaughter Passes Appropriations Committee
05/27/2014 Cosmetics Industry Leaders Back Moran Bill to End Animal Testing
04/30/2014 Moran Bill Would Limit Use of Exotic Circus Animals
03/05/2014 Moran Bill Would End Animal Cosmetics Testing
06/13/2013 Moran Amendment to Ban Horse Slaughter Passes Appropriations Committee
02/04/2013 Reps. Campbell and Moran Kick Off the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus for the 113th Congress
01/31/2013 Moran Receives "100+" Rating on Humane Society 2012 Scorecard
01/23/2013 Rep. Campbell Joins Bipartisan Effort to Shut Down Animal Fighting Operations
01/23/2013 Bipartisan Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Strengthen Enforcement of Cruel Animal Fights
07/20/2012 Moran Introduces Resolution Opposing Inhumane Euthanasia in Animal Shelters
06/27/2012 Summary: Interior & Environment FY2013 Appropriations Bill
06/19/2012 Moran Amendment to Ban Horse Slaughter Passes Appropriations Committee
03/27/2012 Moran Calls for Ban on Horse Slaughter
11/30/2011 Moran Pushes for Passage of Exotic Animal Protection Bill
03/30/2011 Moran Receives Top Honor from Humane Society
03/17/2011 Moran Applauds Closing Fur Labeling Loophole
11/19/2010 Legislation Prohibiting Animal Crush Videos Approved by Congress, Sent to President's Desk
07/28/2010 House Passes Truth in Fur Labeling Act
12/03/2009 Kerry, Moran Respond To Phenomenon Of Intersex Fish
07/17/2009 Wild Horses Protected With Passage Of ROAM Act
05/19/2009 Truth in Fur Labeling Act Introduced
02/18/2009 Moran and Gallegly to Co-Chair Congressional Animal Protection Caucus
06/05/2008 Moran, Shays Introduce Farm Animal Anti-Cruelty Act
05/16/2007 Hinchey, Moran & Shays Lead Congressional Effort To Stop
02/07/2007 Legislation Introduced to Protect Consumers and Dogs with Proper Labeling Of Fur-Trimmed Garments