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Maria Cantwell's Public Statements on Issue: Family


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WA) - Jr

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Date Title
07/16/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Adoption Crisis in the DRC
05/06/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Nigerian Girl Abductions by Boko Haram
04/30/2014 Senate Resolution 431 - Honoring Military Children During the National Month of the Military Child
04/18/2014 Letter to Joseph Kabila Kabange, President, and Augustin Matata Ponyo, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo - End Delays in US Adoptions from Democratic Republic of Congo
08/29/2013 Cantwell Applauds Announcement that IRS Will Recognize Same-Sex Marriages
07/08/2013 Letter to Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security - Civil Rights and Marriage Equality
06/26/2013 Cantwell Statement on Supreme Court's DOMA Ruling
03/05/2013 Letter to Secretary Shinseki - LGBT Rights
03/01/2013 212 Members of Congress File Historic Amicus Brief on DOMA Case before U.S. Supreme Court
12/06/2012 Cantwell Celebrates the Realization of Marriage Equality in WA State
10/18/2012 Letter to His Excellency Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
06/15/2012 Cantwell Statement on Obama Administration's Deferred Action Plan for Youth
05/09/2012 Cantwell's Statement on President Obama's Support of Marriage Equality
09/23/2011 Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act
12/13/2010 Cantwell Hails Signing into Law of Child Nutrition Bill
06/21/2010 Letter to President Colom
05/27/2010 Letter to Senators Reid, McConnell, Durbin and Kyl
11/06/2009 Letter Barack Obama, President of the United States - Child Abduction to Japan
01/15/2009 Letter to Barack Obama, Presidential Candidate of the United States - Funding for Child Programs
11/14/2007 Cantwell Praises Reauthorization of the Head Start Program
10/18/2007 Cantwell Statement on Failed CHIP Veto Override
06/18/2007 Letter to The Honorable Tom Harkin, Chairman, Committee on Agriculture and The Honorable Saxby Chambliss, Ranking Republican Member
05/16/2007 Supporting the Goals and Ideals of a national Children and Families Day
11/30/2006 Thursday November 30 is National Meth Awareness Day

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