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Dave Obey's Public Statements

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Date Title
03/24/2010 Disaster Relief And Summer Jobs Act Of 2010
03/22/2010 Obey Says Middle Class Families With Insurance & Small Businesses Will Benefit From Health Insurance Reform
03/18/2010 Obey Statement On House Passage Of The HIRE Act
03/18/2010 Obey Renews Call For Fundamental Campaign Fianance Reform
03/18/2010 Hearing Of The Subcommittee On Labor, Health And Human Services, Education, And Related Agencies Of The House Committee On Appropriations - FY 2011 Budget Overview: Department Of Education
03/16/2010 Health Care Reform
03/04/2010 Hearing Of The Subcommittee On Interior, Environment, And Related Agencies Of The House Committee On Appropriations - Combating Health Care Fraud And Abuse
01/13/2010 Veto Message On House Joint Resolution 64, Further Continuing Appropriations, Fiscal Year 2010
12/22/2009 Obey Praises Cooperative Effort To Save Jobs And The Environment
12/16/2009 Jobs For Main Street Act, 2010
12/14/2009 Letter To The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker; The Honorable Harry Reid, Majority Leader Of The Senate
12/10/2009 Providing For Consideration Of H.R. 3288, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010
12/10/2009 Conference Report On H.R. 3288, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010
12/04/2009 Hearing Of The House Committee On Appropriations - Obey Statement On New Unemployment Numbers
12/01/2009 Hearing Of The House Committee On Appropriations - Obey Statement On President's New Afghanistan War Policy
11/29/2009 CNN "State Of The Union With John King" - Transcript
11/16/2009 Committee On Appropriations - Obey Statement On Inaccurate Reporting On
11/06/2009 Committee On Appropriations- Obey Statement On Stimulating The Economy
10/29/2009 Conference Report On H.R. 2996, Department Of The Interior, Environment, And Related Agencies Appropriations Act - 2010
10/21/2009 Obey Announces Start Of Application Process For Special Payments To Servicemembers Under Stop-Loss Orders
10/13/2009 Wausau Daily Herald: Afghan Surge Worries Obey
10/01/2009 Motion To Instruct Conferees On H.R. 2892, Department Of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2010
10/01/2009 Obey Announces Online Emergency Help For Student Veterans
09/30/2009 Associated Press: Congress Fashions $350 Million Dairy Aid Package
09/29/2009 Motion To Instruct Conferees On H.R. 2997, Agriculture, Rural Development, Food And Drug Administration, And Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010

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