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Jim Sensenbrenner, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

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Date Title
07/03/2014 Sensenbrenner Responds to PCLOB Report on Section 702
06/20/2014 House Shuts Backdoor on Mass Surveilance
06/19/2014 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2015
06/19/2014 House to Debate Amendment to Curb Government Access to Private Data
05/22/2014 USA Freedom Act
05/22/2014 House of Representatives Passes the USA FREEDOM Act f t # e
05/11/2014 The Hill - House Clears Path for NSA Reform
05/07/2014 Judiciary Committee Passes USA FREEDOM Act
04/11/2014 NSA Reportedly Exploited Heartbleed Bug
04/02/2014 Letter to Eric Holder, Jr., Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice - Testimony of James Clapper before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
04/02/2014 The USA FREEDOM Act Closes the NSA's "Back Door" Access to Americans' Communications
03/28/2014 Goodlatte, Conyers, Sensenbrenner, and Scott Statement on President's Proposed Changes to Intelligence-Gathering Programs
03/26/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Highlight Human Rights in Saudi Arabia
03/24/2014 The "End Bulk Collection Act" Won't End Bulk Collection
03/20/2014 USA Today - Sensenbrenner: Protect Our Right to Vote
03/13/2014 Letter to James Cole, Attorney General of the United States - Are You Spying on Congress?
03/13/2014 The Consensus Is Bulk Collection Must End f t # e
03/05/2014 Sensenbrenner Addresses Misconceptions about the VRAA
02/12/2014 Letter to James Cole, Deputy Attorney General - Testimony Before the House Judiciary Committee on FISA Reform
02/11/2014 Wall Street Journal: A Revised Voting Act Is Still Needed
01/23/2014 Sensenbrenner Responds to PCLOB Report
01/16/2014 Leahy, Sensenbrenner & Conyers Lead Bipartisan, Bicameral Introduction Of Legislation To Restore The Voting Rights Act
11/21/2013 Broad Coalition Of Tech Companies, Nonprofit Groups Offers Support For The Leahy-Sensenbrenner USA FREEDOM Act
11/19/2013 Sensenbrenner Delivers Keynote Address on NSA/FISA Reform at Georgetown Law
11/11/2013 Chairman F. James Sensebrenner Speech to European Parliament

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