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Jo Bonner, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Environment

Date Title
04/22/2013 Bonner Column: "Again, America Faces Tragedy"; and "Oil Spill Anniversary"
11/15/2012 Rep. Bonner Statement About BP Criminal Settlement
10/29/2012 Column: Bonner Introduces Legislation to Block BP from Deducting Oil Spill Fines
10/08/2012 Bonner Column: In Oil Spill Settlement, Justice Department Has Obligation to Gulf Coast Not BP
08/13/2012 Bonner Column: New Administrator for Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Claims
07/09/2012 Bonner Column: Airbus Lands in Mobile; RESTORE Now Law
06/27/2012 Congressman Bonner: RESTORE Act on a Path to Final Passage
04/23/2012 Two Years Later: Deepwater Horizon Recovery Continues; Gulf Coast Claims Facility Audit Completed
02/20/2012 House Votes to Create Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund; Payroll Tax Cuts Must be Offset
12/12/2011 This Week in Washington: Gulf Leaders Make Case for Oil Spill Restoration Funds
07/13/2011 Rep. Bonner Announces Gulf Coast Claims Facility Audit Language in House Bill
06/06/2011 This Week in Washington: Energy Independence Demands All-of-the-Above Focus
05/09/2011 This Week in Washington: Oil Spill Anniversary and House Passes $38.5 Billion in Spending Cuts
05/09/2011 Rep. Bonner Introduces Gulf Coast Restoration Act
04/04/2011 This Week in Washington: President Signals Shift to More Oil and Gas Drilling
01/31/2011 This Week in Washington: State of the Union Address Fails to Address Nation's Pressing Problems
10/11/2010 This Week in Washington: "Gulf Oil Well Permanently Sealed and Claims Payments Improving"
08/16/2010 This Week in Washington: "Pressing BP for Claims Payments" "Announcing Congressional Town Meetings"
07/26/2010 This Week in Washington: "Vice President Visits Theodore" "Wellhead Capped"
06/04/2010 This Week in Washington: "Oil Comes Ashore in Alabama"
05/24/2010 This Week in Washigton: "Alabama's Gulf Coast Still Open for Business"
05/10/2010 This Week In Washington: "Oil Spill Control And Clean-Up Are Top Priorities"
02/22/2010 This Week in Washington: Stimulus Anniversary; Mobile Astronaut
06/15/2009 The Need For A Sensible Energy Plan