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John Boozman's Public Statements on Issue: Trade

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Date Title
07/05/2022 Ranking Member Boozman Statement on WTO Consultations Regarding India Trade-Distorting Subsidy Practices
03/03/2022 Boozman Backs Legislation to Ease Export Shipping Backlogs, Boost US Exports
05/14/2021 Crawford Joins Call with DOT Secretary, Arkansas and Tennessee Congressional Delegations to Discuss Critical I-40 Bridge Repairs
03/26/2021 Inhofe, Durbin, Boozman, Booker, Cardin Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Increase U.S. Exports to Africa
02/26/2021 Boozman Joins Cotton to Introduce Iran Sanctions Resolution
01/29/2021 Boozman, Colleagues Reintroduce Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
12/16/2019 Arkansas Stands to Gain With USMCA
07/22/2019 U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement Will Help Arkansas's Economy Grow
03/23/2017 Boozman Promotes Cuba Trade in Confirmation Hearing of Ag Secretary
02/02/2017 Boozman, Heitkamp Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Expand Ag Exports to Cuba, Support American Farmers & Jobs
10/05/2016 Boozman Urges Obama Administration to Combat Excess Chinese Steel Production
08/11/2016 Boozman To Kick-off Annual Ag Tour Monday
06/16/2016 Bipartisan Heitkamp-Boozman Bill Expanding U.S. Agricultural Exports to Cuba Added to Key Spending Bill
04/18/2016 Boozman Applauds Decision by Mexico to Lift its Ban on Arkansas Poultry
09/17/2015 Boozman: Senate Democrats Continue to Put Politics Ahead of National Security
07/28/2015 Boozman Recognized as Hero of Main Street
04/21/2015 Riceland Representative Testifies Before Senate Ag Committee on Benefits of Agriculture Trade with Cuba
04/11/2013 Boozman Joins Durbin, Coons to Introduce Bill to Increase US Exports to Africa
12/06/2012 Boozman Hails Senate Passage of Russia Trade Bill
11/30/2012 Letter to President Obama
03/28/2012 Senators Coons, Durbin, Boozman Introduce Bill to Increase United States Exports to Africa
03/27/2012 Boozman: Increasing Trade with Africa Means Jobs at Home
03/20/2012 Durbin, Boozman, and Coons Introduce Bill to Increase US Exports to Africa
01/11/2012 26 GOP Senators Offer Bill to Stop IMF Bailouts for Europe
12/22/2011 Hagan Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators Urging USTR Kirk to Fight for U.S. Poultry Producers in India

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