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Andy Biggs' Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (AZ) - District 5

Date Title
07/02/2020 Congressman Biggs Applauds President Trump's Leadership of the Great American Comeback
05/22/2020 Congressman Biggs Sends Letter to IRS about Poor Taxpayer Service during COVID-19
05/20/2020 Congressman Biggs Urges President Trump to Suspend Grants of Guestworker Visas
05/15/2020 Congressman Biggs Introduces Legislation to Protect Businesses from Frivolous Lawsuits over COVID-19
05/14/2020 Congressman Biggs' Statement on the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.-Arizona Announcement
05/07/2020 Congressman Biggs Leads Letter to President Trump on Financial Bailouts to State and Local Governments
04/23/2020 Congressman Biggs Votes to Protect Americans' Privacy and Fiscal Future
04/16/2020 Congressman Andy Biggs Appointed to President Trump's Congressional Task Force on Reopening the American Economy
03/27/2020 Congressman Biggs Votes to Protect America's Financial Solvency
03/06/2020 Congressman Biggs' Statement on the February Jobs Report
12/06/2019 President Trump's Economy Brings Americans Holiday Cheer
11/02/2019 Congressman Biggs' Statement on America's $23 Trillion Debt
09/06/2019 Congressman Biggs Applauds the August Jobs Report
07/09/2019 Congressman Biggs' Statement on the CBO's Minimum Wage Report
07/05/2019 Congressman Biggs Applauds the June Jobs Report
06/12/2019 Congressman Biggs' Statement on Latest Monthly Treasury Statement
06/07/2019 Congressman Biggs' Statement on the May Jobs Report
05/23/2019 Congressman Biggs Introduces the 'Freedom for Small Businesses Act'
05/03/2019 President Trump's Economy Hits Another High Note
01/04/2019 House Democrats Pass Irresponsible Government Spending Bill
06/08/2018 Congressman Biggs Votes to Pass Spending Rescissions Package
03/10/2017 Congressman Andy Biggs' Statement on February Surge in Private Sector Jobs
02/08/2017 Congressman Biggs Issues Statement on Chandler-Intel Announcement
02/03/2017 Newsletter - Finishing Week #5!