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Jeff Flake's Public Statements

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Date Title
07/19/2018 Booker-Flake Congo Resolution Passes in Senate
07/19/2018 Executive Session
07/12/2018 Nato Summit
07/12/2018 Letter to Sens. James Inhofe and Jack Reed of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Reps. Mac Thornberry and Adam Smith of the House Armed Services Committee - Support Burma Sanctions
07/11/2018 Executive Session
07/11/2018 Senate Issues Rebuke of Administration's Trade
07/11/2018 Senate Overwhelmingly Expresses Support for Efforts to Ensure Congress Plays Appropriate Role in Implementation of National Security-Designated Tariffs
07/09/2018 Flake Statement on Supreme Court Nominee
07/09/2018 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Interview with Senator Jeff Flake (R) Arizona
07/08/2018 CNN "State of the Union" - Transcript: Interview With Arizona Senator Jeff Flake
07/06/2018 Flake Leads Bipartisan Delegation to Nordic and Baltic Regions
06/26/2018 Coons, Flake Bill To Promote Free, Fair Elections & Political, Economic Reforms In Zimbabwe Passes Foreign Relations Committee
06/20/2018 Senators Introduce Legislation to Keep Families Together and Ensure The Integrity of Immigration Laws
06/18/2018 Letter to Secretary Nielsen, and Secretary Azar - Answers on Family Separations for Asylum Seekers
06/13/2018 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019
06/11/2018 Letter to Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, Inc. - Coons, Flake Press Amazon on Consumer Privacy Practices
06/07/2018 CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript: Interview with Senator Jeff Flake
06/07/2018 Executive Session
06/06/2018 Corker, Toomey-Led Legislation Would Restore Congressional Oversight of National Security-Designated Tariffs
05/27/2018 NBC News "Meet the Press" - Transcript: North Korea
05/25/2018 Flake Statement on the Potential Auto Tariffs on Vehicle Imports
05/23/2018 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Interview With Senator Jeff Flake
05/17/2018 Executive Session
05/16/2018 Flake Statement on CIA Director Nominee Gina Haspel
05/15/2018 Flake Applauds U.S. Supreme Court Ruling to Reverse 9th Circuit Decision Undercutting Public Safety

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