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Jeff Flake's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

Date Title
09/19/2017 Flake Secures Buzzworthy Victory in Effort to Reduce Wasteful Pentagon Spending
09/18/2017 Flake Statement on Supporting Passage of National Defense Authorization Act
06/20/2017 Flake: Nearly Two-Thirds of Congress Not-Yet-Elected When Current AUMF Enacted
11/04/2015 Flake and McCain Expose Paid Patriotism at Pro Sporting Events in New Government Oversight Report
02/11/2015 Flake Statement on Proposed Authorization for the Use of Military Force against ISIL
02/11/2015 Flake Statement on Proposed Authorization for the Use of Military Force against ISIL
11/24/2014 Senators McCain and Flake Support Air Force's Environmental Assessment of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
09/04/2013 Sen. Flake Votes to Authorize Military Action in Syria
01/23/2013 Senator Jeff Flake: "Serious Questions Remain About the Benghazi Attacks"
01/14/2013 Senator Flake Visits Israel and Afghanistan with U.S. Senate Delegation
09/12/2012 Congressman Flake Reacts to Tragedy at U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya
06/23/2010 Congressman Flake Comments on President Obama's Decision to Relieve General McChrystal and Reassign General Petraeus
07/30/2009 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript
06/10/2009 Hearing Of The National Security And Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Of The House Oversight Committee - Commission On Wartime Contracting: Interim Findings And A Path Forward
05/19/2009 Hearing of the National Security Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee - Afghanistan and Pakistan: Resourcing the Civilian Surge
09/10/2007 Joint Hearing of the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees Subject: The Status of the War and Political Developments in Iraq
09/05/2007 Hearing of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs - Iraqi Benchmarks: An Objective Assessment