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Jeff Flake's Public Statements

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Date Title
11/15/2018 Flake Delivers Keynote Address at RTCA Dinner, Defends Free Press
10/02/2018 Flake Condemns Political Tribalism in Address at New Hampshire Institute of Politics
01/04/2017 Flake, Brat Reintroduce Bill Increasing Consumer Choice in Health Care
09/08/2016 Flake, McCain Introduce Major Arizona Water Settlement Bill
03/17/2016 Senate, House Leaders Introduce Bill To Restore Regulatory Accountability Through Judicial Review
07/23/2015 Flake Statement on Iran Nuclear Agreement Hearing
02/12/2015 Flake, Duncan, Shaheen Move to Eliminate Subsidies to Farm Bill's Taxpayer-Funded Profit-Guarantee Program
09/17/2014 Flake Delivers Speech on Role of Congress in U.S. Foreign Policy
12/19/2013 Sen. Flake Discusses Free Trade, Need for Trade Promotion Authority
11/22/2013 Sen. Flake Illustrate Washington's Spending Problem, Targets Waster from the Department of Energy
01/09/2012 Congressman Flake Criticizes Obama Administration Decision to Ban New Uranium Mining Claims in Northern Arizona
10/26/2011 Congressman Flake Praises House Passage of Southeast Arizona Land Transfer Jobs Bill
07/17/2011 Earmark Reform
02/18/2011 Politico - GOP Tensions Flare Over How Deep to Cut
01/25/2011 Congressman Flake Reintroduces the STAPLE Act
07/22/2010 Congressman Flake Applauds Addition of Floridian Among Cosponsors of Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act
07/12/2010 Congressman Flake Comments on Warnings of Debt Commission Chairmen
04/01/2010 Congressman Flake Spotlights Egregious Earmark Of The Week
07/30/2009 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010
07/29/2009 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 3326, Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010
07/28/2009 Let's Be Honest About This Health Care Reform
07/24/2009 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 3293, Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010
07/23/2009 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010
07/23/2009 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 3288, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010
07/21/2009 Where are the Jobs

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