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Raul Grijalva's Public Statements on Issue: Agriculture and Food


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (AZ) - District 7

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Date Title
03/11/2020 Following a Request from Stabenow and Grijalva, USDA Inspector General to Investigate Grant Used to Weaken Protections for the Tongass National Forest
01/17/2020 After Trump Administration Announces Changes to Food Assistance Qualifications, Haaland, Lead Democrats Demand Answers on Impacts to Indian Country
01/14/2020 Letter to Robert Lighthizer, Ambassador for U.S. Trade Representative - Co-Chairs Thompson, Newhouse, 106 Wine Caucus Members Urge USTR Not to Target Wine in Trade Disputes
12/11/2019 Rep. Grijalva Votes in Support of Farm Workforce Modernization Act
11/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - Committee Democrats Call on Trump Administration: Abandon Proposal that Jeopardizes Access to School Meals for Nearly 1 Million Children
09/23/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - All Committee Democrats to Secretary Perdue: Proposed Rule Strips Free School Meals from More Than 500,000 Low-Income Children
08/08/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Rep. Sewell, Sen. Sanders, 130+ Members of Congress Urge Trump Administration to Reverse Food Assistance Rule
05/02/2019 Haaland, Luján, Grijalva Introduce House Bill to Increase Access to Nutritious Meals for Native Kids
05/02/2019 U.S. Sens. Smith, Udall, Cortez Masto Reintroduce Legislation to Increase Access to Nutritious Meals for Native Students
04/03/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, USDA - Back Away from Detrimental Changes to SNAP Work Requirements
02/07/2019 Senators Reintroduce Legislation to Strengthen Labor Protections for Farmworkers
01/08/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Members of Congress Demand Answers on Upcoming SNAP Benefit Lapse
10/05/2018 Ranking Member Grijalva: Republican Spin, Climate Denial Making it Harder to Pass Good Forestry Policy in Farm Bill
09/05/2018 Rep. Grijalva Participates in Farm Bill Conference Committee: ‘Time to Return to a Bipartisan Bill'
08/30/2018 Letter to the Hon. Pat Roberts, Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, the Hon. Debbie Stabenow, Ranking Member, the Hon. Michael Conaway, Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, and the Hon. Collin Peterson - House Dems Oppose Restricting Access to SNAP
08/27/2018 Letter to Senator Pat Roberts, Chairman of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, Senator Debbie Stabenow, Ranking Member, Representative Michael Conaway, Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, and Representative Collin Peterson, Ranking Member - Environmental Concerns in Farm Bill
05/16/2018 Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018
04/20/2018 Letter to the Hon K. Michael Conaway, Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture and the Hon Collin C. Peterson, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Agriculture - Rep. Grijalva Sends Letter To Agriculture Committee Opposing SNAP Changes in Farm Bill
04/06/2018 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, US Trade Representative - Pushes to Protect Warnings on Food Products in NAFTA Negotiations
03/26/2018 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Boyle and Smith Lead Bipartisan Letter to USDA Opposing Plan to Outsource Oversight of Bedrock Animal Welfare Law
03/16/2018 Letter to the Hon Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture and the Hon Mick Mulvaney, Director of the Office of Management and Budget - Congressman Panetta Leads 90 Lawmakers to Call on Administration to Strengthen Funding for Federal Nutrition Assistance
09/01/2017 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Protect Americans from Deadly Pesticides
07/28/2017 Congressman Smith Reintroduces Rural Economic Vitalization Act
07/19/2017 Letter to Scott Gottlieb, M.D., Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration - End Discriminatory Blood Ban
06/29/2017 Letter to the Honorable Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Poultry Plant Productivity

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