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Raul Grijalva's Public Statements on Issue: Animals and Wildlife


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (AZ) - District 7

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Date Title
02/27/2023 Grijalva Introduces Bill to Protect Critically Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales
10/07/2022 Chair Grijalva Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Wild Horses and Burros
03/08/2022 Chair Grijalva Blasts Fish and Wildlife Service Finding that Pesticide Malathion Does Not Jeopardize Endangered Species
07/09/2021 Chair Grijalva Hails Federal Reversal of Unjustified Permit for Vigneto Development in Southern Arizona -- Project Has Ties to Trump Interior Sec. Bernhardt
06/04/2021 Chair Grijalva Hails Biden Admin Moves to Restore Endangered Species Act Rules, Urges Further Action on Biodiversity Protection Based on Climate Threats
06/02/2021 Chair Grijalva Praises Biden Admin's Suspension of Unjustified, Potentially Illegal Oil and Gas Leases in Arctic Refuge -- "The Push to Drill Became a Scam"
05/21/2021 ESA Caucus Resolution Recognizes Endangered Species Day
01/08/2020 Congressman Lowenthal Introduces Legislation To Protect Millions Of Migratory Birds Threatened By Trump Administration Actions
05/21/2019 Reps. Grijalva and Schweikert Introduce The Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act
03/08/2019 Chair Grijalva Questions Army Corps Headquarters Decision to Issue Final Permit for Rosemont Mine in So. Arizona, Vows More Oversight
12/06/2018 Grijalva: Newly Announced Attack on Sage-Grouse Habitat Protections Especially Ironic Given Latest News on Public Lands Climate Emissions
11/15/2018 Ranking Member Grijalva Opposes Republican Effort To Delist Gray Wolves, Calls on Colleagues to Reject "Sad Waste of Time"
09/13/2018 Udall, Carper, Grijalva, Dingell and Beyer Join Advocates in Defending Endangered Species Act
06/28/2018 Grijalva: Proposed Fish and Wildlife Service Rule Would Likely Cause Extinction of Endangered Red Wolves in the Wild
05/24/2018 Ranking Member Grijalva: Republicans' Unrelated Anti-Environment Riders Made Bloated, Misguided DOD Bill Even Worse
05/22/2018 Rep. Huffman Introduces Bill to Repeal GOP Tax Scam's Arctic Wildlife Refuge Drilling Mandate
05/22/2018 The Trump Administration Proposes to Roll Back Ban on "Extreme" Hunting Tactics in Alaska's National Parks
04/25/2018 Ahead of Wednesday House Vote, Grijalva Warns Against Salmon Destruction Bill -- "Against the Wishes of Those it Would Hurt Most"
04/24/2018 Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Enhance National Wildlife Refuges Becomes Law
11/17/2017 Trump Administration Fulfills Donald Jr.'s Wish List Amidst Escalating Military Action in Zimbabwe
06/22/2017 Grijalva: Yellowstone Grizzly Delisting Ignores Science, Disrespects Tribes
06/14/2017 Grijalva Highlights Job-Killing Risks of Trump's Red Snapper Plan as Federal Register Admits it Presents a Severe Overfishing Threat
04/12/2017 Grijalva Sues Trump Administration Over Border Wall & Other Border Security Measures
04/05/2017 Decades After First GOP Attempts to Destroy Izembek Refuge Failed, Grijalva Asks Why Majority Still Pushing it at Today's Hearing
03/28/2017 Republicans Bring Extinct Talking Points Back from the Dead in Zombie ESA Hearing

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