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Trent Franks' Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (AZ) - District 8

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Date Title
11/25/2013 Letter to House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp and Ranking Member Sander Levin - Tax Reform
11/21/2013 Letter to Chairman Paul Ryan, Chairwoman Patty Murray, Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen, and Ranking Member Jeff Sessions - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Program
09/16/2013 Letter to Kathleen Sebelius, Department of Health and Human Services - Taxpayer Money to Promote Affordable Care Act
05/22/2013 Letter to Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., Attorney General - IRS Targeting
05/17/2013 Letter to Eric Holder, Attorney General - Special Counsel to Investigate IRS
05/17/2013 Letter to Jack Lew, Secretary of the Treasury - IRS Targeting
05/13/2013 Letter to Douglas H. Schulman, Commissioner of IRS - IRS Targeting
04/16/2013 Franks Resolution Deems Obamacare Unconstitutional Under Origination Clause
01/25/2013 Franks Introduces Children's Hope Act Scholarship Tax Credit Bill
09/20/2012 Letter to President Obama
04/24/2012 Letter to Douglas Shulman, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service - Internal Revenue Service Emails
01/01/2012 Americans for Tax Reform: The Taxpayer Protection Pledge
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Social Security
01/01/2012 Issue Position: The American Family
11/17/2011 Letter to Representative Hensarling, Senator Murray, and Members of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
11/01/2011 Franks Helps Secure Passage of Wireless Tax Fairness Act
07/26/2011 Franks Signs onto Bill to Repeal 3% Federal Income Tax Withholding Policy
03/10/2011 Lofgren, Franks, Wyden, Snowe, Introduce Wireless Tax Fairness Act
12/03/2009 Congressman Franks Opposes Democrats' Permanent Death Tax Bill
06/09/2009 Hearing Of The Commercial And Administrative Law Subcommittee Of The House Judiciary Committee; Subject: H.R. 1521, The Cell Tax Fairness Act Of 2009
04/07/2009 Americans for Prosperity: No Climate Tax
03/17/2009 Reps. Lofgren and Franks Introduce Bill to Block Cell Phone Tax Increases
12/11/2008 Franks Calls For Two Month Tax Holiday Instead Of $350 Million Bailout
06/05/2008 Congressman Franks Votes Against Largest Tax Increase in American History
05/15/2008 Congressman Franks Calls on Majority to Cease Political Maneuvers and Pass Clean Supplemental Bill to Fund our Warfighters

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