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Trent Franks' Public Statements on Issue: Defense

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (AZ) - District 8

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Date Title
03/10/2009 Letter to President Barak Obama, President of the United States
02/27/2009 Congressman Franks Responds to Evidence That the U.S. Strategic Ballistic Missile Defense System Can Provide a Defense of the Homeland
01/13/2009 Franks Responds To NYT Article Disclosing Classified U.S. Intel
09/12/2008 Russian Belligerence Reinforces the Need to Move Forward with European Missile Defenses
09/11/2008 Statement on Successful Airborne Laser Test
07/31/2008 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2009
06/26/2008 Hearing of the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee - From the Department of Justice to Guantanamo Bay: Administration Lawyers and Administration Interrogation Rules, Part III
06/20/2008 FISA Amendments Act of 2008
05/22/2008 Proviidng for Further Consideration of H.R. 5658, Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act
05/16/2008 Roll Call - U.S. Can't Delay Fielding Missile Defense Systems
05/15/2008 Congressman Franks Calls on Majority to Cease Political Maneuvers and Pass Clean Supplemental Bill to Fund our Warfighters
04/17/2008 Hearing of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee - 2009 Defense Budget, Missile Defense Programs
04/10/2008 Franks Joins Members of the House Armed Services Committee to Urge Speaker Pelosi to Act on Emergency Supplemental Bill
03/14/2008 25th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative
02/21/2008 Congressman Franks Praises Successful Missile Shoot Down of Disabled Spy Satellite
02/12/2008 Congressman Trent Franks Joins Armed Services Committee Republicans in Responding to Department of Defense Decision to Charge 9/11 Terrorist Masterminds
02/06/2008 Hearing of the House Armed Services Committee - The Defense Department's Fiscal Year 2009 Budget
12/13/2007 Congressman Franks One of Only 27 Member to Vote Against the Continuing Appropriations Bill
12/12/2007 Congressman Franks Statement on Department of Defense Authorization Bill
12/06/2007 Congressman Trent Franks Introduces Joint Resolution to Sustain Defense Budget at Four Percent of Gross Domestic Product
12/06/2007 Congressman Trent Franks Applauds Conferees for Dropping the Controversial Hate Crimes Provision from Defense Authorization
12/03/2007 Congressman Franks Supports Boeing Contract to Build New Advanced Air Force Tanker
11/07/2007 Congressman Franks Praises Successful Aegis Test
10/24/2007 FOX News Channel - Transcript
10/18/2007 Congressman Franks Applauds Announcement for Shared Missile Defense Development Between the United States and Israel

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