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Tom O'Halleran's Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers

Date Title
03/09/2022 O'Halleran Votes for Additional Sanctions on Putin
03/07/2022 O'Halleran Supports Ban on Russian Oil
02/04/2022 O'Halleran Votes to Pass COMPETES Act to Keep Prices Down, Promote Made in America Innovation
12/15/2021 O'Halleran Introduces Legislation to Identify Ways to Mitigate Supply Chain Issues, Manufacture More Goods in America
05/28/2020 House Passes O'Halleran-Endorsed Bill to Improve PPP, Cut Red Tape
04/16/2020 Today, following reports that the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), established under the CARES Act, had run out of available funding, Congressman Tom O'Halleran (AZ-01) issued the following statement: "Many Arizona businesses have been asked to close their doors to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, putting countless out of work. Congressional leadership from both parties and both Houses of Congress must come togethernow to keep this program and our small businesses funded and afloat. "More than just our businesses are at risk today. Our hospitals and health care providers, state, local, and Tribal governments, and families relying on food and unemployment assistance authorized under the CARES Act are also suffering, and many more are frustrated by a lack of clear coordination at the federal level. We need a new emergency package that not only alleviates the immense stress on our economy and small businesses, but also supports our doctors, nurses, and first responders, communities hit hardest, and families relying on nutrition and checks promised to them under the CARES Act. "While I wholeheartedly agree that we must heed the advice of public health officials and continue staying home and staying safe, we in Congress cannot sit back while the people we were elected to represent are left floundering. If critical legislation cannot pass because Congress is not physically in Washington, then we need to be there. When programs on which millions of Americans rely are running out of money, Congress is an essential job. We cannot sit by and ask our essential workers--doctors, nurses, grocery store employees, first responders, pharmacists, hospital staff, and hardworking janitors like my father was--to continue to show up and work for us if we are not willing to do the same for them. "There are safe, socially distant ways we can come together and get this done right, but we must act in a bipartisan way to get this done for the American people now. As members of our body have wisely said, we are the captains of the ship; we are the last to leave."
01/29/2020 O'Halleran Applauds President's Signing of USMCA
12/19/2019 O'Halleran Votes to Ratify USMCA Agreement
12/10/2019 O'Halleran in Support of USMCA Trade Agreement
07/18/2019 House Passes Minimum Wage Bill, Includes O'Halleran Amendment to Study Economic Impact
04/18/2018 O'Halleran Votes Against Cuts to Rural Economic Development, Infrastructure Projects
04/02/2018 O'Halleran Statement on Impacts of Trade War on Rural Arizona
10/26/2017 O'Halleran Urges Congressional Leaders to Protect 401(K) Contribution Limits