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Rubén Hinojosa, Sr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

Date Title
05/27/2015 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa, House Democrats Send Letter to Secretary Johnson Raising Concerns About Unacceptable Conditions in Family Detention Centers
04/07/2015 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Joins 180 House Democrats in Filing Amicus Brief Supporting the Obama Administrations Immigration Executive Actions
07/11/2014 CHC on Unaccompanied Minors Situation
06/25/2014 Congressmen Thompson, Hinojosa, and Vela to Tour McAllen Border Patrol Detention Facility & Sacred Heart Church Refuge Center
06/05/2014 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Encourages Eligible Individuals To Renew DACA Grants
03/04/2014 Congressmen Filemon Vela and Rubén Hinojosa Announce HUD Awards $2 Million to Boost Job Growth and Business Opportunities Along U.S. -- Mexico Border
12/03/2013 Lujan Grisham, CHC Statements of Support On National Day To Act, Fast And Pray
02/27/2013 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Rallies in Support of the Voting Rights Act on Steps of U.S. Supreme Court
01/08/2013 Congressman Vela Appointed to House Homeland Security Committee
10/02/2012 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa's Statement on National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
08/15/2012 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Announces USCIS Begins Accepting Requests for Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
06/15/2012 Statement from Congressman Ruben Hinojosa on US New Policy for Dream Act Students
05/16/2012 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Stands Against the House Republican Violence Against Women Act Saying it Does More Harm to Women
04/20/2012 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Along with Other Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Speak Out Against False DREAM Act by GOP
11/22/2011 Members of Congress Sign Amicus Brief in Support of DOJ Lawsuit Against HB 5639
06/29/2011 Grijalva Joined By Broad Cross-Section of Members of Congress In Praising Yesterday's First Ever Senate Hearing on The DREAM Act
05/10/2011 Congressman Hinojosa Applauds Obama's Show of Support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
05/03/2011 Hinojosa Meets with President Obama to Discuss Comprehensive Immigration Reform
12/08/2010 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Votes for the Dream Act
08/10/2010 Congressman Rubén Hinojosa Announces Passage of Border Security Bill (Bill provides $600 Million for Southwest Border)
12/16/2009 Congressman Rubén Hinojosa Co-Sponsors The Comprehensive Immigration Reform For Americas Security and Prosperity Act 0f 2009
10/14/2009 Congressman Rubén Hinojosa Votes To Keep America Safe, Secure Borders
03/18/2009 Congressman Hinojosa and Hispanic Caucus meet with President Obama on Comprehensive Immigration Reform