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Rubén Hinojosa, Sr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net

Date Title
06/28/2016 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Announces U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services Grant For Hidalgo County Head Start Programs
04/13/2015 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Announces National Poll Shows Affordable Care Act is Working
03/12/2014 Hinojosa Joins Effort to Force House Republicans to Allow a Vote on the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act
01/24/2014 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Releases New Analysis Showing the Growing Number of Texans Left in the Cold with GOP Blockage of Unemployment Insurance Extension
09/19/2013 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Votes Against Increasing Hunger in America
07/11/2013 Congressional Democrats Protest Voting on the Farm Bill Without Nutritional Programs
03/21/2013 Letter to Governor Rick Perry - Medicaid Expansion
01/15/2013 Hinojosa Appointed to Key Committee Posts on Education and the Workforce and Financial Services
07/10/2012 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Blasts Governor Perry on his Opposition to the Affordable Care Act
08/01/2011 Hinojosa Votes to Keep the American Economy Strong
06/16/2011 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Votes Against Republican Bill that will Make Huge Nutritional Cuts to Young Mothers, Babies and the Poor
04/15/2011 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Votes NO on Ryan Republican Budget That Would Destroy Medicare
04/13/2011 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Announces House Democratic Budget Alternative For FY 2012
08/10/2010 Congressman Rubén Hinojosa Supports Saving and Creating Jobs for American Teachers, Firefighters, Police Officers, Nurses, and in Private Sector
07/22/2010 Congressman Ruben Hinojosa Secures Unemployment Benefits for Americans Who have Earned Them