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John Garamendi's Public Statements on Issue: Energy


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 8

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Date Title
01/25/2020 Garamendi Introduces Oil-By-Rail Safety Bill
01/13/2020 Raskin Cosponsors Oil-by-Rail Safety Bill
07/23/2019 Congressman John Garamendi and Senator Roger Wicker Reintroduce the Energizing American Shipbuilding Act
06/22/2018 Congressman John Garamendi Demands Progress from Department of Transportation on Pipeline Safety Rulemaking
01/04/2018 Congressman John Garamendi's Statement on Trump Administration's Plan to Open Coasts to Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling
09/22/2016 Congressman Garamendi Praises Benicia Decision to Reject Crude Oil-by-Rail Facility, Renews Call for National Volatility Safety Standard
12/04/2015 Congressman John Garamendi's Statement on Government Accountability Office's Report to Congress on Implications of Using U.S. LNG Carriers for Exports
12/03/2015 Two Amendments by Congressman John Garamendi Adopted into House Energy Bill
11/04/2015 Reps. Huffman, Garamendi Lead West Coast Members in Introducing Legislation to Permanently Ban Offshore Drilling on Pacific Coast
10/09/2015 Congressman John Garamendi's Statement on Crude Oil Export Ban Bill
09/16/2015 Congressman Garamendi Urges Use of American Maritime Assets for Any Future Crude Oil Exports
04/08/2015 Garamendi Urges Immediate Action to Keep Communities Safe at Oil-By-Rail Press Conference with Federal Railroad Acting Administrator Feinberg, Local and State Leaders
03/03/2015 Congressman Garamendi Leads Letter Opposing Delay in Oil Rail Safety Standards
02/24/2015 Congressman Garamendi Joins Bipartisan Fight for Geothermal Energy Revenue in Budget
01/28/2015 House of Representatives Votes on Garamendi Amendment to Protect American Workers and American Security
01/09/2015 Keystone Pipeline Oil Spill Demands Accountability, Says Congressman Garamendi in House Floor Amendment
07/30/2014 Congressman Garamendi Introduces Bipartisan Growing American Shipping Act
06/25/2014 Congressman Garamendi Speaks Up for U.S. Jobs in Transportation, Shipbuilding, and Manufacturing
09/19/2013 Garamendi Please to Report that UC Davis Receives $1.5 Million ARPA-E Grant
04/17/2013 Rep. Tim Ryan Joins Rep. John Garamendi On Clean Energy Make It In America Legislation
10/11/2012 Garamendi: Tariff on Chinese Solar Imports Levels Playing Field for American Businesses
06/20/2012 On the House Floor, Congressman Garamendi Stands Up For Wind Energy Jobs
12/06/2011 Helps Secure DOE Funds to Streamline Solar Permitting Process
10/05/2011 Rep. Garamendi Rejects House Republican Chair's Defeatist Statement that "America Can't Compete with China" In Clean Energy Race
07/15/2011 Garamendi Votes Against Radical and Dangerous Republican Energy and Water Appropriations Bill

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