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John Garamendi's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 8

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Date Title
10/03/2022 Letter to Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks - Release: Ro Khanna Leads Letter With 30 Members of Congress Calling on Starbucks Ceo Howard Schultz to Support Fair Bargaining Process for All Employees
06/30/2022 Letter to President and CEO James C. McKenna, Pacific Maritime Association and President William E. Adams, International Longshore and Warehouse Union - Sánchez pens letter urging Pacific Maritime Association, ILWU to engage in good faith negotiations
11/11/2021 Letter to Mr. Greg Adams, Chairman and CEO of the Kaiser Foundation Hospital and Health Plan, Inc., and Mr. Hal Ruddick, Executive Director of the Alliance of Health Care Unions - Rep. Gomez and Colleagues Call for Improved Wages and Working Conditions for Healthcare Workers
04/12/2021 Letter to President Joseph Biden - Cotton, Colleagues Ask President Biden to Support Funding for Increased U.S. Semiconductor Production
03/30/2021 Letter to Honorable Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States and Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States - Dingell, Pressley, Lamb, Jayapal Lead Call for Historic Investment in Home and Community-Based Services in Recovery Package
02/25/2021 Letter to Speaer Pelosi, Leader Hoyer, and Whip Clayton - Led by Golden and Levin, 110 Lawmakers Push for Quick Action to Protect the Right to Organize
01/11/2021 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Newhouse Leads Call to Protect Agricultural Workers
10/26/2020 Letter to the Hon. Eugene Scalia, Secretary of the Dept. of Labor - House Democrats to DOL: Proposed Rule to Increase Employee Misclassification Will Cost Workers and the Economy
04/13/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader, the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Rep. TJ Cox Leads Bipartisan Effort to Make State and Local Governments Eligible for Emergency Paid Leave Payroll Tax Credits
04/10/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Rep. Susie Lee to Leadership: Fund Community Health Centers in Next Congressional Relief Package
03/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Hon. Steny Hoyer, House Majority Leader - Chairs DeFazio, Doggett to Corporations: Put Workers First in Economic Recovery
01/09/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker, the Hon. Steny Hoyer, Majority Leader, and the Hon. James Clyburn, Majority Whip of the House of Representatives - Golden Leads 75 Members of Congress to Call for Floor Vote on PRO Act
09/05/2019 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker United States House of Representatives, the Hon. Nita Lowey, Chairwoman House Committee on Appropriations, and the Hon. Mike Quigley, Chairman Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government - Raskin Leads 217 Members in Supporting Federal Workers' Collective Bargaining Rights
06/26/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex Acosta, Secretary of Labor - Scott, Adams, and Kennedy and Over 40 House Democrats Call on Secretary Acosta to Abandon Joint Employment Proposal
06/10/2019 Letter to the Hon. Robert Wilkie, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs - Norcross, Brown Lead Bipartisan Letter Pushing Back Against Department Of Veterans Affairs' Union-Busting Efforts
01/14/2019 Letter to Acting Commissioner Berryhill, SSA - Abandonment of Anti-Union Policies
09/28/2018 Letter to Dennis Muilenburg, Chairman, President, and CEO of the Boeing Company and Robert Martinez, President of IAMAW - SC Members of Congress Respond to Boeing Letter
09/07/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader of the US Senate, the Hon. Charles Schumer, Minority Leader of the US Senate, the Hon. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, and the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of the US House of Representatives - Rep. Raskin Leads 150+ House Dems in Urging Leadership to Reject President's Plan to Gut Federal Workers' Pay
07/09/2018 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump - Rescind Illegal Anti-Worker Executive Orders
09/19/2017 Letter to the Hon. Neomi Rao, Administrator of the Office of Management and Budget and the Hon. Victoria Lipnic, Acting Chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - Congress Members Slam President Trump's Attack on Equal Pay for Equal Work
07/10/2017 Letter to President Donald J. Trump - Paid Family and Medical Leave
04/24/2017 Letter to the Honorable Betsy DeVos, Secretary of US Department of Education - Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program
07/14/2016 Letter to the Hon. Barack Obama, President of the United States - Prohibit LGBT Discrimination in Government Contracting
05/12/2016 Letter to the Honorable Janet Yellen, Chair, Federal Reserve Board of Governors - Calling for Diversity at the Federal Reserve Bank
04/12/2016 Letter to the Hon. Jenny R. Yang, Chair, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - Eliminate Wage Gap

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