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John Garamendi's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 8

Date Title
08/24/2021 Garamendi Votes to Protect the Right to Vote for All Americans, Honor the Legacy of John Lewis
02/09/2021 Congressman David G. Valadao to Serve as Co-Chair of The American Sikh Congressional Caucus
06/20/2017 Sens. Murray, Cantwell Join 196 Members of Congress Asking the Court to Compel President Trump to Obey the Constitution
04/01/2016 Congressman Garamendi Delivers Speech on the Epidemic of Bullying
09/28/2015 Sikh Caucus Co-Chair Garamendi Meets with Indian Prime Minister Modi, Urges Strong Religious Freedom Protections
02/13/2015 Garamendi Cosponsors Legislation to Restore Voting Rights and Releases Video Honoring Black History Month
12/16/2013 Garamendi Concurs with Federal Court Ruling that NSA U.S. Phone Metadata Collection an Overreach in Violation of 4th Amendment
12/12/2013 Armed Services Committee Member Garamendi Votes for National Defense Authorization Act
08/05/2013 FBI to More Accurately Track Hate Crimes Against Sikhs & Others, Garamendi Part of Successful Congressional Push
09/07/2012 Pelosi, Nadler, 143 House Members File New Amicus Brief on Federal Case Against DOMA
07/10/2012 Pelosi, Nadler, 130 House Members File Amicus Brief on Federal Case Against DOMA
06/11/2012 Congressman Garamendi Introduces Bipartisan Civil Liberties Act of 2012 to Prevent Indefinite Detention on American Soil
05/18/2012 Garamendi Votes Against Escalation of Afghanistan War, Indefinite Detention, and Wasteful Spending
05/16/2012 Garamendi Joins Reps. Adam Smith, Justin Amash, Ron Paul at Press Conference in Defense of Due Process, Urges Rules Committee to Let Amendment Have Floor Vote
01/06/2012 Momentum Builds for Garamendi Bill Preventing Indefinite Detention of American Citizens
12/16/2011 Garamendi/Heinrich Bill Clarifies Detention Policy & Protects American Citizens' Due Process Rights
11/02/2011 Pelosi, 132 House Members File Amicus Brief in Landmark Court Challenge to DOMA