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Cory Gardner's Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers

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Date Title
10/01/2020 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, Ambassador of the U.S. Trade Agreement - Rubio Joins Colleagues Urging Lighthizer to Begin Talks for a Trade Agreement with Taiwan
08/25/2020 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture - Gardner Calls on USDA to Protect Hemp Industry
08/25/2020 Letter to The Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of The Dept. of Agriculture, and The Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative - U.S. Senators Mike Crapo and Tina Smith Lead Bipartisan Group in Calling for Enforcement of Usmca Dairy Provisions
08/17/2020 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture - Gardner, Risch, Crapo Call for Increased Access for Fresh Potato Exports to Mexico
08/07/2020 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, US Trade Representative - As Families, Mom & Pop Restaurants Struggle During Pandemic, Gardner, Menendez, Collins Make Bipartisan Call to End Tariffs on Imported Food Products
07/29/2020 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, US Trade Representative - Gardner Calls on USTR to Initiate Bilateral Trade Agreement Negotiations with Taiwan
07/22/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader, the Hon. Marco Rubio, Chairman of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, and the Hon. Ben Cardin, Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee - Daines Working to Improve PPP Program to Help Montana Restaurants, Food Supply Chains
06/10/2020 Letter to Steven T. Mnuchin, Department of the Treasury Secretary - Tester to Treasury: Montana Craft Alcohol Producers "Need Our Help to Keep Serving up Pints'
05/21/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Cornyn, Carper Lead Letter Urging Support for Independent Music Venues During Pandemic
05/18/2020 Letter to the Hon. Marco Rubio, Chairman of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, and the Hon. Ben Cardin, Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee - Gardner Calls to Extend Paycheck Protection Program Loan Deadline
05/05/2020 Letter to the Hon. Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Dept. of the Treasury, and the Hon. Jovita Carranza, Admin, of the Small Business Administration - Lankford Asks Treasury, SBA to Adjust PPP Loan Forgiveness to Help Oklahoma Restaurants, Other Small Businesses
04/29/2020 Letter to Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury, and Jovita Carranza, Administrator of the Small Business Administration - Markey Joins Rubio, Cardin, Colleagues on Bipartisan Letter to Treasury and SBA on an Administrative Fix to the 7(A) Loan Program Authorization
04/24/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mark Esper, Secretary of the Department of Defense and David Bernhardt, Secretary for the Department of the Inferior - Enzi and Barrasso urge administration to support the development of domestic rare earths supply chain critical to national defense, reducing dependency on China
04/21/2020 Letter to the Hon. Jovita Carranza, Admin. of the Small Business Administration - Congressmen Neguse Urges Improved Loan Forgiveness Options for Colorado's Seasonal Businesses
04/16/2020 Letter to the Hon. Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Dept. of the Treasury, and the Hon. Jovita Carranza, Admin, of the Small Business Administration - U.S. Senators Tina Smith, John Hoeven Lead Bipartisan Push to Treasury Department, Small Business Administration to Ensure Eligibility of Rural Electric Cooperatives in Paycheck Protection Program
03/27/2020 Letter to Hon. Jovita Carranza, Administrator of US Small Business Administration - After CARES Act Becomes Law, Bennet, Colorado Delegation Urge Immediate Action for Small Businesses
03/17/2020 Letter to the Hon. Jovita Carranza, Admin. of the Small Business Administration - Neguse, Crow & Colorado Delegation Urge Swift SBA Disaster Declaration for Colorado
01/27/2020 Letter to Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - Rounds, King, Harris, Pingree, Keating, Bergman Lead Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter Urging Administration to Increase the Number of Temporary, Non-Immigrant H-2B Workers for 2020
04/04/2019 Letter to the President - Cornyn Urges President Not to Renew Sanctions Exemptions on Countries That Import Iranian Oil
02/18/2019 Letter to President Trump - Senator Hoeven Urges Administration to Press for Access to Chinese Market for U.S. Fresh Potato Exports
02/08/2019 Letter to the Honorable Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Bipartisan, Bicameral Leaders Promote U.S. Potato Industry in Ongoing China Trade Discussions
01/24/2019 Letter to Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury - Portman Joins Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter to Treasury Encouraging Opportunity Zone Rules Clarification
09/11/2018 Letter to the Hon. Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce and the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative - Murphy Joins Bipartisan Call for U.S. and Canada to Settle Softwood Lumber Tariff Dispute
08/22/2018 Letter to Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury - Sen. Cruz Leads Letter Urging Treasury Department to Cut Off Iranian Regime From Global Banking System
08/03/2018 Letter to the Hon. Steve Mnuchin, Treasury Secretary, and the Hon. Michael Pompeo, Secretary of State - Counter China's Geostrategic Goals

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