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Joe Courtney's Public Statements on Issue: Unemployed and Low-Income

Date Title
07/10/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump, President of the United States - Beatty Backs Extending Unemployment Benefits During COVID-19 Pandemic
11/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - Committee Democrats Call on Trump Administration: Abandon Proposal that Jeopardizes Access to School Meals for Nearly 1 Million Children
09/23/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - All Committee Democrats to Secretary Perdue: Proposed Rule Strips Free School Meals from More Than 500,000 Low-Income Children
01/08/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Members of Congress Demand Answers on Upcoming SNAP Benefit Lapse
08/30/2018 Letter to the Hon. Pat Roberts, Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, the Hon. Debbie Stabenow, Ranking Member, the Hon. Michael Conaway, Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, and the Hon. Collin Peterson - House Dems Oppose Restricting Access to SNAP
09/27/2017 Letter to the Hon. Dr. Thomas E. Prices, M.D., Secretary of the HHS - Maximum Possible Funding for LIHEAP in the Coming Winter Season
09/25/2017 Letter to the Hon. R. Alexander Acosta, Secretary of Labor - Request for Information, Overtime Protections for Working Families
04/06/2017 Letter to the Hon. Tom Cole, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Relation Agencies, and the Hon. Rosa DeLauro, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies - Bipartisan Support for Full Funding of Heating Assistance Program that Trump Budget Would Eliminate
04/03/2017 Letter to the Hon. Mario Diaz-Balart, Chairman of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Subcommittee and the Hon. David Price, Ranking Member - Funding Request for Community Development Block Grants
03/10/2016 Letter to The Hon. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader, The Hon. Tom Price, Chairman House Budget Committee, and the Hon. Chris Van Hollen, Ranking Member, House Budget Committee - Fight to Protect SNAP for Those in Need
10/20/2015 Letter to Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services - LIHEAP Heating Assistance
08/12/2015 Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis - Address to Congress
03/27/2015 Letter to Chairman Tom Cole and Ranking Member Rosa Delauro, Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies - Funding of Heating Assistance Program
12/18/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Boost Funding for Low Income Heating Assistance Funds
04/09/2014 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House - Immediate Vote on Unemployment Insurance Deal
04/08/2014 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House - Connecticut House delegation, Governor Malloy in Call for Immediate Vote on Umployment Insurance
04/04/2014 Letter to Jack Kingston, Chairman and Rosa DeLauro, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Labor for Health and Human Services and Education - Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Funding
03/06/2014 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House - Don't Leave Jobless Veterans Behind
01/30/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Full LIHEAP Funding in 2015 Budget
08/13/2013 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives - SNAP Funding
04/19/2013 Letter to Marilyn Tavenner, Acting Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
02/15/2013 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
07/15/2011 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Protect Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
11/14/2008 Letter To Kerry Weems, Acting Administratior, Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services