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Joe Courtney's Public Statements on Issue: Higher Education


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CT) - District 2

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Date Title
06/08/2012 Unless Congress Acts 22 Days
06/05/2012 Looming Student Loan Interests Rate Crisis
06/01/2012 Expiration of Interest Rate for Stafford Student Loan Program
06/01/2012 Stafford Student Loan Program
05/18/2012 Student Loan Crisis
05/16/2012 College Cost Reduction Act
05/08/2012 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 5326, Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013; Waiving Requirement of Clause 6(a) of Rule XIII with Respect to Consideration of Certain Resolutions; and for Other Purposes
05/08/2012 Student Loans
04/27/2012 Interest Rate Reduction Act
04/26/2012 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 3523, Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act; Providing for Consideration of Motions to Suspend the Rules; Providing for Consideration of H.R. 4628, Interest Rate Reduction Act; and for Other Purposes
04/24/2012 Stafford Student Loan Program
04/18/2012 Higher Education Affordability
04/16/2012 Urging Congressional Action on Student Loans
02/28/2012 Pass H.R. 3826 and Protect College Affordability
02/07/2012 Stop Student Loan Interest Rates From Doubling
11/30/2011 Cost of College Smothering Opportunity
10/27/2011 Student Loans
07/31/2008 Conference Report On H.R. 4137, Higher Education Opportunity Act
05/01/2008 Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act of 2008
04/17/2008 Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act of 2008
07/11/2007 College Cost Reduction Act Of 2007

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