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Ander Crenshaw's Public Statements

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Date Title
10/28/2015 Crenshaw Statement on Bipartisan Budget Agreement
10/27/2015 Providing For Consideration of H.R. 1090, Retail Investor Protection Act
10/23/2015 Crenshaw Joins in Introducing Bill to Expand Small Business Voice at the SEC
10/23/2015 Crenshaw Votes to Repeal Most Damaging Components of Obamacare
10/06/2015 Letter to Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works and Lt. Gen. Thomas Bostick, Commanding General for the Army Corps of Engineers - Apalachicola Bay
10/05/2015 Crenshaw Statement on El Faro Container Ship
09/30/2015 Crenshaw Backing McHenry for House Majority Whip
09/29/2015 Crenshaw Supports Bill Prohibiting Iran Sanctions Relief Unless Court-Ordered Damages Paid to Terror Victims
09/25/2015 Crenshaw Statement on John Boehner Resignation Announcement
09/22/2015 Crenshaw Pays Tribute to Naval Air Station Jacksonville in Official Congressional Record
09/18/2015 Crenshaw Votes to Defund Planned Parenthood
09/10/2015 Crenhaw: Iran Agreement "Bad Deal - Plain and Simple"
09/09/2015 Crenshaw, Nassau County Emergency Management to Co-Host 2015 Nassau County Preparedness Forum on Monday, September 21 in Yulee, Florida
08/10/2015 Crenshaw Receives "Hero of Main Street" Award from National Retail Federation
08/05/2015 Letter to Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army - Beach Erosion Structures
08/04/2015 Letter to Ambassador Deborah Birx, Global AIDS Coordinator - Evidence-Based HIV Prevention
07/31/2015 Letter to Gina McCarthy, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, Ernest Moniz, U.S. Department of Energy Secretary, Tom Vilsack, U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary - Biomass Energy
07/29/2015 Crenshaw Votes For Sweeping Reforms To Address Lack Of Accountability After VA Scandal
07/28/2015 Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2015
07/28/2015 Crenshaw Votes to Pass REINS Act, Free Economy from Job-Stifling Regulations
07/27/2015 Veterans Entrepreneurship Act of 2015
07/23/2015 Crenshaw Statement on USS The Sullivans Training Mission Test Missile Explosion
07/22/2015 Crenshaw Takes Another Step to Hold VA Accountable
07/21/2015 Crenshaw Statement on Five-Year Anniversary of Dodd-Frank
07/20/2015 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Sunscreen Patents

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