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Rahm Emanuel's Public Statements

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Date Title
01/09/2017 Rep. Quigley Announces $1 Billion Funding Agreement for the for the First Phase of the Red and Purple Modernization Program
10/26/2013 Governor Quinn and Mayor Emanuel Open Historic South Lake Shore Drive Expansion
07/18/2012 Kirk, Durbin, Quinn, Emanuel Announce $40 Million Federal Investment in Illinois Transit
04/27/2012 Governor Quinn, Mayor Emanuel, Sen. Durbin and Others Announce Key Improvements Along Northern Red Line Stations
10/21/2008 MSNBC "Morning Joe" - Transcript
10/14/2008 Emanuel Touts Green Economy in Chicago
10/03/2008 Emanuel Provision to Close Capital Gains Tax Gap Included in Emergency Economic Stabilization Package
10/03/2008 Emanuel Congratulates President for Signing Great Lakes Compact
10/03/2008 Emanuel Provision to Close Down Offshore Deferred Compensation Included in Emergency Rescue Legislation
10/03/2008 Emanuel Resolution on Olympics Passes House
09/26/2008 Wyden, Markey Introduce "Independence at Home" Act
09/23/2008 Emanuel, King Hail Passage of Elder Abuse Victims Act
09/23/2008 Emanuel Praises Passage of Great Lakes Compact
09/18/2008 Emanuel Fights to Clean Up Lakes
09/17/2008 Kildee, Emanuel, Kohl Announce Fast Track to College Act
09/16/2008 Emanuel Provision Builds Infrastructure for Natural Gas Cars
09/10/2008 Emanuel, King Praise Senate Action on Elder Justice
08/18/2008 Emanuel, Chicago-Area Universities Unveil First-In-the-Nation Plan to Utilize New GI Bill, Send Veterans to College
07/30/2008 Emanuel Plan to Simplify College Financial Aid Form to be Voted on Tomorrow
07/28/2008 Congressman, IRS Commissioner, Northwestern President, Business Leaders Outline Plan to Put More Money in the Pockets of Working Families
06/12/2008 Emanuel, Hinchey, Markey, Rahall to Introduce Legislation to Force Big Oil to Use Owned Leases
05/22/2008 Kerry, Emanuel on Bush Opposition to Reform of Offshore Tax Loophole for Hedge Funds
05/22/2008 Durbin, Foster, Emanuel, Biggert Announce $250 Million for Science Funding Included in Supplemental Spending Bill
05/20/2008 Emanuel-Ellsworth Fight to Close KBR Loophole
05/14/2008 Schiff, Chabot, Emanuel, Murphy Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Fight Identity Theft and Cyber Crime

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