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Mike Pence's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

On The Ballot: Campaign Suspended, Republican for President

Date Title
04/17/2019 Tweet - "Heading to Texas! Look forward to talking w/ job creators at the Permian Basin & Diamondback Oil Rig on how @POTUS Trump has unleashed American energy! @POTUS promised an "energy revolution" - that means American production on American soil -- & he's delivered!"
04/17/2019 Tweet - "Two weeks ago the U.S. sanctioned ships transporting Venezuelan oil to Cuba. Today @potus took additional action against the Cuban regime. As I said at the UN, the US will continue to hold Cuba accountable for its larceny & it's support of dictator Maduro until Venezuela is free."
04/17/2019 Tweet - "American energy is thriving here in Texas! @POTUS approved the Keystone & Dakota pipelines, withdrew from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord, rolled back the hydraulic-fracking rule, & the Clean Power Plan. Now the U.S. is the largest producer of oil & natural gas in the world!"
04/17/2019 Tweet - "American energy companies need the USMCA to become law. Mexico is the #1 export market for U.S. natural gas, and rigs like Latshaw Drilling Rig 45 in Midland, TX- where I was today - are built with materials from Canada and Mexico."
03/08/2019 Tweet - "Thank you @OOGA_HQ! Under @POTUS, our Admin has eliminated the barriers to domestic energy production like never before and the oil & gas industry is booming like never before! American energy is soaring and the American economy is booming."
12/21/2017 Tweet - "Discussed @POTUS' historic tax cuts w/ @IngrahamAngle & told her to be here for the largest tax cut in the U.S history & at the same time, repeal the Obamacare individual mandate & open up ANWR to environmentally responsible drilling - it's humbling for me to be part of it"