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Mike Pence's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

On The Ballot: Campaign Suspended, Republican for President

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Date Title
08/04/2020 Remarks by President Trump and Vice President Pence at Ceremonial Swearing-In of General Charles Brown as Chief of Staff of the Air Force

Statement by Vice President Mike Pence on the terrorist attack in Syria
11/18/2018 Remarks by Vice President Pence at Thanksgiving Gathering for Military Families
04/19/2017 Remarks by the Vice President to US-Japanese Business Community
03/16/2017 Remarks by President Trump and Vice President Pence at St. Patrick's Day Reception
03/16/2017 Remarks by President Trump and Vice President Pence at St. Patrick's Day Reception
11/16/2014 Governor Pence Condemns Murder of Kassig
09/12/2012 Pence Condemns Attack That Took The Lives Of The U.S. Ambassador and Three Others
05/18/2012 Pence Supports FY2013 National Defense Authorization Act
05/10/2012 Pence Votes for Responsible Spending Reforms
04/13/2012 Pence Hails Designation of USS Indiana Virginia-Class Attack Submarine
12/14/2011 Pence Statement on National Defense Authorization Act
06/24/2011 Pence Opposes Resolution Authorizing the Use of Force in Libya, Supports Troops
05/02/2011 Pence Statement on Killing of Osama bin Laden
03/24/2011 Pence "Troubled" by Defense Department Decision to Cancel F136 Engine
03/17/2010 Pence Stands Up For Troops Fighting For Freedom In Afghanistan
12/01/2009 Pence Supports Sending Reinforcements To Afghanistan: Cautions Against Timelines, Benchmarks And War Surtax
04/09/2008 Pence Opening Statement at Petraeus/Crocker Hearing
03/10/2008 Pence Blog: Return to Iraq and Afghanistan
01/28/2008 Pence Statement on the State of the Union Address
01/23/2008 Joint Hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee- The Proposed U.S. Security Commitment to Iraq
01/11/2008 Pence Blog: Back Home Again...A Week on the Road in Eastern Indiana
09/05/2007 Hearing of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subject: Iraqi Benchamarks: An Objective Assessment
04/03/2007 Pence Blog from Iraq: Congressman in Baghdad, Reviews Surge, Visits Market with John McCain
03/27/2007 Pence Participates in Iraq Refugee Hearing

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