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Gwen Moore's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (WI) - District 4

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Date Title
04/25/2015 Daily Kos - Democratic Member of Budget Conference Vows to Protect the Safety Net
04/25/2015 Milwaukee Courier - U.S. Lawmakers Take First Steps Toward 2016 Budget
04/23/2015 Think Progress - Congresswoman: Republican Attempts To Cut Food Stamps In Budget Talks Will "Open Up A Can Of Worms'
04/15/2015 CNN Wire Service - "What do we Want? $15!" Low-Wage Workers Rally in Milwaukee and Across the Country
05/26/2014 Fox 6 News - Will Backlogs in Other States Affect Milwaukee VA's Ability to Serve Its Own Veterans?
05/25/2014 Fox 6 Now - Treatment vs. Jail Time: New Bill Aimed at Helping Sex Trafficking Victims Break Free
05/08/2014 - Could Female Advisors Fix Boomers' Retirement Crisis?
05/06/2014 Politico - Congressional Black Caucus Plots Path Forward
04/27/2014 Philadelphia Tribune - Ryan's Budget Passes House, Democrats See Opprotunity
04/27/2014 The Hill: Rep. Moore: Paul Ryan Wants to Talk Proverty
10/30/2013 Fox 6 - Elvin Daniel, Rep. Gwen Moore Discuss Gun Control on Capitol Hill
08/02/2013 Human Rights Campaign - Reps. Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan Introduce Bill to Protect LGBT Homeless Youth
07/15/2013 Shorewood Patch
07/15/2013 WisPolitics - Moore: Opponents Working to Make Obamacare Implementation More Difficult
07/11/2013 Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel - Congress Must Act Swiftly for Wisconsin's Immigrant Families
07/08/2013 Politico - Democrats' unease with derivatives reforms on display
06/26/2013 Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel - Dual Reactions on Voting Rights Act Ruling Show Challenge Ahead for Congress
06/11/2013 White Fish Bay - Gwen Moore Calls for Solution to Student Loan Crisis
06/10/2013 Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel - Gwen Moore Sounds Alarm on Student Loan Crisis
06/10/2013 Truthout - Families, Breadwinner Moms Still on Losing End of Public Policy
06/03/2013 Wisconsin Gazette,com - LGBT Pride
06/03/2013 The - Rep. Gwen Moore Recognizes LGBT Pride Month
05/20/2013 Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel - Gwen Moore Sees Link Between Military Culture and Sexual Assaults in Military
05/13/2013 Christian Post - Is Congress Asking Hourly-Paid Americans to Work More for Less Pay?
09/29/2012 Milwaukee Courier - Gwen Moore Hosts National Voter Registration Day Press Conference

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