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Bobby Jindal's Public Statements

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Date Title
10/01/2015 Fox News Opinion - Jindal: Donald Trump Doesn't Get it. Health Care is the GOP's Alamo
09/15/2015 CNN - Trump is a Madman Who Must be Stopped
07/22/2015 Conservative Review - It's Time to Stop Pretending on Radical Islam
02/25/2015 Townhall - Repeal All of Obamacare? Nah, Just Kidding
02/23/2015 Fox News - Louisiana Governor: ISIS Threat Reveals Obama's Failure as Commander in Chief
02/09/2015 Washington Examiner - An Education System for the 21st Century
02/01/2015 Politico - The GOP Mustn't Offer Obamacare Lite
01/29/2015 Washington Examiner - School Choice Week is Freedom Week
01/15/2015 Fox News - Keystone Kops: The Obama Administration's Jobs Deniers
12/03/2014 Fox News - Team Obama's Foreign Policy Failures: Can Our President Keep America Safe?
10/06/2014 CNN - Why Strong Defense is Critical to America
10/03/2014 Inside Sources - Saying Yes to Affordable Energy
09/23/2014 CBN - Another Broken Promise: Obamacare and Abortion
09/16/2014 Fox News - The Jobs Plan America Needs: Let's Develop Our Untapped Energy Resources
08/23/2014 Fox News - Victory is not Inevitable
08/13/2014 Politico - What Hillary Knew--In 1993
07/23/2014 Business Report - Why I Fight for Local Control of Education
07/15/2014 Fox News - Your Health Care: Obama's $18,000 Broken Promise
07/10/2014 National Review - America's Energy Nightmare
07/08/2014 Politico - What's Obama's Problem with School Choice?
06/05/2014 The Daily Signal - Bobby Jindal: An Economic Lesson for Obama and Hollande
05/19/2014 Fox News - Yes, We Can Still Repeal ObamaCare -- Let's Get to Work
05/13/2014 Politico - What Hillary Knew - In 1993
03/10/2014 National Review - Provocative Weakness
02/09/2014 Politico - Obamacare Is Anything But Compassionate

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