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Jim Costa's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 21

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Date Title
07/29/2022 Costa votes to address drought and wildfire challenges in the West
06/23/2022 Bipartisan Coalition Leads Effort to Save America's Iconic Sequoias
06/23/2022 Costa Co-Sponsors Legislation to Save our Sequoias
06/17/2022 Costa Introduces Legislation to Improve the Valley's Water Supply
03/31/2022 Costa Statement on Voluntary Agreement Framework for California's Water Supply
12/08/2021 Costa Votes to Strengthen Exports Out of American Ports
11/24/2021 Costa introduces bipartisan legislation to fund wildlife conservation
10/08/2021 Costa Introduces Legislation to Recognize October 8th as National Hydrogen Fuel Cell Day
08/24/2021 Release: Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Vote Secured
08/16/2021 Momentum Grows for Spanberger's Bipartisan, Bicameral Growing Climate Solutions Act, Bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus Endorses Legislation
08/13/2021 Costa, Problem Solvers Caucus Endorse Growing Climate Solutions Act
04/15/2021 Feinstein, Costa Introduce Bill to Restore San Joaquin Valley Canals
12/22/2020 Costa Secures Funding for Critical Valley Services
09/21/2020 Costa Continues Fight for Increased Funding for Wildfire Suppression, Support to Fire Victims
07/22/2020 Costa Statement on House Passage of the Great American Outdoors Act
07/01/2020 Costa Votes to Rebuild America's Infrastructure
07/26/2019 Rep. Hayes Introduces Legislation to Protect Health of America's School Chilldren
07/26/2019 Congressman Costa Introduces Legislation to Improve Air Quality
01/15/2019 Reps. Calvert, Costa, McMorris Rodgers, LaMalfa, McClintock, and Simpson Introduce the Fish Act
10/23/2018 New Federal Law Allows for Real Progress in Securing Valley Water and Increasing Drought Resilience
09/13/2018 Valley Wins Big in House Water Resources Measure
09/12/2018 Valley Congressmen Costa, Denham, and McClintock Continue Fighting the Water Grab
05/10/2018 Congressmen Costa, Denham, Garamendi, and McClintock Introduce Legislation to Update Water Infrastructure Projects
03/14/2018 Congressmen Long and Costa Lead Bill to Protect Farmers, Ranchers, and Dairy Producers
11/30/2017 Costa Joins Bipartisan Efforts to Continue and Strengthen Environmental Clean-up Program

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