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Katherine Clark's Public Statements on Issue: Drugs


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 5

Date Title
01/04/2021 Clark Celebrates Passage of the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act
12/05/2019 Clark Statement on Tufts Decision to Remove Sackler Name
09/24/2019 Senator Markey and Rep. Clark Call for 100% Fentanyl Scanning for International Mali, Cargo
05/08/2019 Lawmakers Reintroduce Legislation to Combat the Opioid and Substance Use Epidemic
05/08/2019 Congresswoman Lori Trahan Joins Members of the Massachusetts Delegation to Reintroduce the Bicameral, Comprehensive CARE Act to Combat the Opioid and Substance Use Epidemic
10/24/2018 Congresswoman Clark's Opioid Bills Signed into Law
09/28/2018 Congresswoman Clark's Opioids Bills Move to Senate for Final Passage
06/12/2018 Clark Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Bill Passes In US House of Representatives
04/03/2018 Congressman Rogers Leads Congressional Forum on Opioid Abuse at the 2018 National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit
02/28/2018 Rogers, Clark Lead Federal Effort to Reduce the Shortage of Substance Use Disorder Treatment Professionals
02/06/2018 Clark: 'Four Months of Funding Emergencies show GOP's Inability to Govern'
10/23/2017 Rep. Jenkins Introduces Fentanyl and Heroin Task Force Act
08/09/2017 Clark, Mullin Urge E-prescriptions to Combat Opioid Overdoses
05/02/2017 Clark: Opioid funding a promising step forward
04/06/2017 Clark Forum Partners with Local Families in Push for Solutions to the Opioid Crisis
03/21/2017 Clark, Jenkins Bill Helps Prescribers Navigate Opioid Treatment, Addiction
09/09/2016 Clark Bill Helps Adolescents, Young Adults Struggling with Opioids
07/14/2016 Warren, Capito, Alexander, Bennet, Clark, Stivers Applaud Incorporation of Reducing Unused Medications Act in Final Passage of Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation
07/08/2016 Clark Bills Incorporated in Passage of Congress' Opioid Reform Package
05/12/2016 Stivers and Clark Legislation to Combat Opiate Epidemic Passes House
05/11/2016 Clark Passes Opioid Crisis Bills With Unanimous Support of House
04/28/2016 Clark Unveils Bill to Help Prescribers Navigate Opioid Treatment, Addiction
02/24/2016 Warren, Capito, Clark and Stivers Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Allow Partial Filling of Opioid Prescriptions
06/19/2014 Clark, Stivers File Nation's First Bill to Care for Newborns Suffering from Opiate Dependency
03/28/2014 Clark Commends Governor Patrick Plan to Combat Opioid Addiction, Continues Work to End Epidemic