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Kevin Brady's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

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Date Title
11/15/2016 Bloomberg BNA - Brady Paints Bullish Picture of Republican Tax Blueprint
11/14/2016 US Daily Review - Senior House Republican Kevin Brady Covers Major Issues in Larry Kudlow Interview
09/02/2016 Chron - Brady Proposes a "Postcard' Method to Reform Federal Taxes
07/03/2016 The Huntsville Item - Rep. Brady Unveils New Tax Code Reform
06/28/2016 Conroe Courier - Brady, Ryan Push "Better Way' For Tax Reform
06/27/2016 Investors Business Daily - A Pro-Growth Tax Reform That Would Work
06/24/2016 Daily Caller - Republicans Lay Out Proposal To MAJORLY Overhaul The Tax Code
06/24/2016 The Washington Post - Ryan Rolls Out Sweeping Tax Cut Proposals as Part of Election-Year Agenda
06/24/2016 ABC News - House Speaker Ryan Proposes Simpler Tax Code
01/15/2016 Bloomberg - Brady, Hatch Plan New Push for U.S. International Tax Overhaul
05/28/2015 Here's How You Add 2.4 Million Jobs to the Economy
05/20/2015 House passes bill to make research tax credit permanent; White House threatens veto over cost
04/16/2015 Brady to Speak in Conroe on Estate Tax Repeal
04/16/2015 The State Column - House Repeals "Death Tax"
04/16/2015 The Washington Examiner - GOP-led House Votes to Repeal the Estate Tax
04/03/2015 The Montgomery County Courier - Death Tax Repeal Passes House Committee
03/09/2015 Cleveland Advocate - Brady: Bury the Death Tax Once and for Always
03/03/2015 US Daily Review - Time to Kill Death Taxes?
02/13/2015 Associated Press - House GOP Pushed $300 Billion Package of Tax Cuts Despite White House Veto Threat Over Costs
02/12/2015 US Daily Review - The Quest for "Tax Fairness and Equal Treatment"
02/01/2015 WOAI News Radio - Measure Would Make Sales Tax Deduction Permanent
12/11/2014 Houston Chronicle - Brady's New Numbers: Why Working Families are Struggling
11/11/2014 CQ - Brady Insists Extenders Should Include Permanent R&D Credit
11/05/2014 Tax Notes: Brady Wants Discussions About 20 Percent Corporate Tax Rate
09/12/2014 Tax-News - US Committee Raises Obamacare Tax Credit Concerns

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