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Earl Blumenauer's Public Statements on Issue: Drugs

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Date Title
09/22/2023 Nadler, Blumenauer, Lee, Jackson Lee and Velázquez Reintroduce Comprehensive Marijuana Reform Legislation
10/06/2022 Blumenauer Applauds Biden's Actions to Pardon Prior Marijuana Offenses
07/27/2022 Reps. Blumenauer, Harris, and Senators Feinstein, Grassley, and Schatz Applaud House Passage of Negotiated Bipartisan Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act
07/22/2022 Blumenauer Praises Introduction of the Cannabis Administration Opportunity Act in Senate, Calls it a "Historic Breakthrough"
09/30/2021 Congressional Cannabis Caucus Co-Chairs Blumenauer, Lee Issue Statement Following Judiciary Committee Passage of Historic Cannabis Reform Legislation
02/01/2021 Blumenauer Statement on Path Forward for Comprehensive Cannabis Reform
04/23/2020 Reps. Blumenauer and Perlmutter Introduce Legislation to Make Cannabis Businesses Eligible for COVID-19 Relief
11/20/2019 House Judiciary Passes MORE Act to Decriminalize Marijuana at Federal Level
07/17/2019 Blumenauer, Harris, Lofgren, Griffith, Dingell, Bishop Introduce Medical Marijuana Research Act of 2019
04/05/2019 Blumenauer and Mullin Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Address Opioid Epidemic, Help Individuals in Substance Use Recovery Receive Safer and Better Care
04/04/2019 Senators Gardner, Warren and Representatives Blumenauer, Joyce Reintroduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Protect States' Marijuana Policies
04/04/2019 Joyce Unveils Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Protect States Rights
07/02/2018 A Small Step Forward Against the Opioid Epidemic
06/07/2018 House GOP Leadership Again Turns Its Back on Our Veterans
05/21/2018 This Shouldn't Happen Again.
03/22/2018 Blumenauer Statement on Medical Marijuana Protections in FY18 Omnibus Legislation
01/04/2018 Congressman Blumenauer Statement on Reports that AG Sessions to End Policy on State Marijuana Laws
12/22/2017 Congress Extends Critical Medical Marijuana Protections Through January 19
12/07/2017 House Votes to Extend Critical Medical Marijuana Protections Through December 22
10/25/2017 Mullin, Blumenauer Affirm Support of Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act
09/11/2017 Blumenauer and Rohrabacher Statement on Extension of Critical Medical Marijuana Protections Through December 8
09/07/2017 Reps. Blumenauer and Rohrabacher Statement on House Rules Committee Leadership Decision to Block Vote on Medical Marijuana Protections
03/30/2017 Curbelo, Blumenauer Introduce Bill to Treat Legal Marijuana Businesses Fairly Under Tax Code
02/23/2017 Cannabis Caucus Responds to WH Statement on Marijuana Policy
02/16/2017 Bipartisan Group Launches Congressional Cannabis Caucus

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