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Emanuel Cleaver II's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MO) - District 5

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Date Title
07/24/2006 Congress Cleaver Announces National Designation of Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
07/24/2006 Debating Republican Tax Policy in a Civil Manner
07/24/2006 Congress Cleaver and Congresswoman Capito to Hold their First "Civility Hour"
07/20/2006 Congressman Cleaver Comments on Chairman Bernanke's Testimony
07/19/2006 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005 - Veto Message from the President of the United States (H. Doc. No. 109-127)
07/18/2006 Marriage Protection Amendment
06/28/2006 Washington Republicans Can't Ignore Fact that They Created Records-Setting Deficits
06/22/2006 Congressman Cleaver Expresses Disappointment Over Republican Halting of Voting Rights Act Renewal
06/21/2006 Children's Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act of 2006
06/14/2006 Transportation, Treaury, Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2007
06/13/2006 House GOP Ignores the Economic Conditions of America's Working Class
05/11/2006 Congressman Cleaver Introduces the "Clear" Act to Require Members of Congress to Only Lease Alternative Fuel Vehicles
05/10/2006 The Continued Misdirection of the Country
05/10/2006 Provide Real Tax Relief For Consumers and Repeat Energy Tax Breaks
05/10/2006 Introducing the Clear Act
05/03/2006 Letter to Chair and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee for Transportation, Treasury, HUD and the Judiciary Committee on Appropriations Joe Knollenberg
05/02/2006 Cleaver Pushes Solutions to High Gas Prices at Area's Only (85% Ethanol) Gas Station
05/02/2006 Less than 2 Weeks Until Prescription Drug Sign-Up Deadline
04/18/2006 Letter to President of the United States of America George W. Bush
04/06/2006 Republican Fiscal Irresponsibility, House Republicans Refuse to Change Course
03/30/2006 Cleaver Questions Hud Secretary Jackson During Testimony Before House Financial Services Committee
03/16/2006 Congressman Cleaver Says Fannie Mae's Accounting Practices Take on Greater Importance with Area Unemployment on the Rise
03/13/2006 115 House Members Sign Norwood Letter Seeking Airline Pension Help
03/09/2006 Independence Named as One of 18 "Preserve America Communities" by First Lady Laura Bush
03/08/2006 Port Security: Another Example of a Washington Republican Coverup

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