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John Hoeven's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
02/23/2022 Letter to Hon. Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of Energy - Senators Urge Biden Administration to Increase LNG Exports, Undermine Russian Influence
03/10/2021 Senators Hoeven, Smith & Representative Mckinley Introduce Legislation to Modernize 48 a Tax Credit for Ccus Retrofit Projects
05/09/2017 Hoeven: EPA Signs Proposed Rule to Approve ND Application to Regulate Class VI Injection Wells, Will Help Advance CCS Technologies
05/02/2017 Hoeven: Tribal Energy Development Strengthens Economic Sovereignty and Self-Determination
05/03/2016 Hoeven Brings Interior Assistant Secretary to ND, Pushes for States-first Approach to Stream Buffer Rule
10/03/2014 Hoeven Working to Prevent Implementation of EPA's Waters of the U.S. Rule
09/08/2011 Hoeven: America Needs a Long-Term, Pro-Growth, Pro-Jobs Economic Strategy
06/15/2011 2011 Renewable Energy Action Summit Has Been Canceled
06/14/2011 Energy
05/12/2011 Escalating Gasoline Prices
05/04/2011 Right-to-Work Law
02/27/2007 Hoeven Meets With Federal Officials On Ag Disaster Aid, Farm Bill, Energy, Military Deployments
02/15/2007 Legislature, Governor Working On Comprehensive Renewable Energy Plan
02/06/2007 Hoeven, FPL Energy Announce Plans For Oliver II Wind Energy Center
01/03/2007 Driving An Agenda For Growth; Expanding And Diversifying Our Economy
08/15/2006 Hoeven: Revenue Projections Reflect Economic Growth
05/26/2006 Dorgan, Hoeven To Host Action Summit On Renewable Energy In Bismarck
05/25/2006 Hoeven Hosts Roundtable With U.S. Assistant Energy Secretary To Promote North Dakota Energy Agenda
05/24/2006 Hoeven Hosts U.S. Assistant Energy Secretary To Promote North Dakota Energy Agenda
05/15/2006 Hoeven Hosts Summit On Expanding Oil Pipeline Capacity In Western North Dakota
04/20/2006 Hoeven, Schweitzer, Freudenthal Address Pipeline Bottleneck
04/17/2006 Hoeven: EERC Breaks Ground for National Hydrogen Center of Excellence
03/17/2006 Hoeven, GRE, Headwaters Break Ground for Blue Flint Ethanol Plant in Underwood
03/17/2006 Hoeven Commends Administration, Congress for Supporting Additional LIHEAP Funding
03/15/2006 Hoeven, Industry Officials Announce 100-Million Gallon Ethanol Production Facility Near Hankinson

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