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John Hoeven's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

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Date Title
09/27/2019 Hoeven to host Interior Secretary Bernhardt in Medora region next thursday
07/23/2019 Hoeven Statement on Confirmation of Mark Esper as Defense Secretary
05/09/2019 Hoeven Statement on Nomination of Patrick Shanahan to Be Secretary of Defense
04/11/2019 Hoeven Statement on Confirmation of David Bernhardt as Interior Secretary
04/12/2018 Hoeven Meets with President on Agriculture and Trade
01/30/2018 Hoeven Statement On 2018 State Of The Union Address
01/24/2018 Hoeven Statement On Senate Confirmation Of Alex Azar As Secretary Of Health And Human Services
12/06/2017 Hoeven Statement On Appointment Of Bob Wefald To American Battle Monuments Commission
04/26/2017 Hoeven Statement on President's Executive Order Promoting Agriculture, Rural America
03/24/2017 Hoeven Statement on Approval of Keystone XL Pipeline
03/16/2017 Hoeven: Budget Proposal Does Not Work for Agriculture
03/06/2017 Hoeven Statement on Administrations Revised Executive Order on Refugee Vetting
02/28/2017 Hoeven Statement on President's Joint Address to Congress
02/28/2017 Hoeven Statement on Executive Order to Eliminate the Obama Administration's Waters of the U.S. Rule
02/28/2017 Hoeven Statement on the Confirmation of Wilbur Ross as Commerce Secretary
02/17/2017 Hoeven: Pruitt will Rein In EPA's Overreach, Work with States to Find Best Approach to Preserve the Environment
02/16/2017 Letter to the Honorable David Shulkin, Secretary of Veteran Affairs - Expand Extended-Care for Veterans, Allow Provider Agreements
02/16/2017 Hoeven: President Signs Bill Repealing Stream Buffer Rule
02/16/2017 Hoeven Statement on Confirmation of Rep. Mick Mulvaney as OMB Director
02/14/2017 Hoeven Statement on Senate Confirmation of Linda McMahon to head Small Business Administration
02/14/2017 Hoeven: Senate Confirms Dr. David Shulkin to lead U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
02/14/2017 Hoeven Statement on Confirmation of Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of the Treasury
02/10/2017 Hoeven Statement on Senate Confirmation of Rep. Tom Price to lead Department of Health and Human Services
02/09/2017 Hoeven Statement on Senate Confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as Attorney General of the United States
02/07/2017 Hoeven Statement on Confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education

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