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Maggie Hassan's Public Statements on Issue: Higher Education

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Date Title
09/26/2022 Tillis, Hassan Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Ensure that Servicemembers Do Not Lose Out on Education Benefits
02/18/2022 Shaheen Applauds UNH's Selection As Lead Institution to Spearhead $6M Research Project on Biotechnology
09/24/2021 Senator Hassan, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Address Campus Bullying and Harassment
08/31/2021 Senator Hassan Visits Littleton, Colebrook to Discuss Economic & Community Development in the North Country
08/19/2021 NH Delegation Announces More than $2.1 Million Heading to UNH for Scientific Research to Support Arctic Resilience & Improve Understanding of Space Weather
08/12/2021 UNH Receives $3.2 million to Help Low Income Students in New Hampshire
08/01/2021 Senators Hassan, Shaheen Join Colleagues in Introducing Bipartisan Bill to Tear Down Unnecessary Barriers for Students with Disabilities
07/24/2021 Hassan, Shaheen, and Kuster Announces $2.76 Mililon in Federal Funds for Dartmouth College Quantum Genome Mapping Project
05/26/2021 Young, Hassan Lead Colleagues in Introducing Bipartisan Bill to Encourage Job Training Opportunities for Workers
05/20/2021 Senators Young and Hassan Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Help High School Students Earn College Credit
04/21/2021 Portman, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Relief to Parents of Children with Disabilities
04/16/2021 Senator Hassan Discusses Importance of Holding Predatory For-Profit Colleges Accountable with Education Department Nominee
04/14/2021 Senators Hassan, Rubio Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Prioritize Veterans' Employment, Transition, Education Benefits at the VA
03/23/2021 Sens. Collins, Hassan & Reps. Stefanik, Harder Introduce Legislation to Help Rural Students and Communities Succeed
06/04/2020 During Committee Hearing on Reopening College Campuses, Senator Hassan Pushes Department of Education to Help Students Economically Impacted by COVID-19
10/02/2019 HELP Committee Chairman Alexander Sponsors Cassidy's College Transparency Act
06/10/2019 Cortez Masto Cosponsors Bill Providing Tax Relief to College Scholarship Recipients
05/16/2019 Menendez Joins Colleagues in Introducing Bill Aimed to Reduce Bullying and Harassment at Colleges Across the Country
04/10/2019 At Senate HELP Committee Hearing, Senator Hassan Discusses PROTECT Students Act that Would Safeguard Students and Veterans from Predatory Higher Education Practices
03/15/2019 At New Hampshire College and University Council Higher Education Summit, Senator Hassan Outlines Higher Education Priorities for Year Ahead
11/19/2018 Kuster, Hassan Join Survivor Advocates to Highlight Negative Impact of DeVos Rollback of Title IX
10/19/2018 Warren, Bonamici, Colleagues Call on DeVos to Release Documents Used in Decision to Restore Recognition of For-Profit Accreditor ACICS
10/15/2018 Senator Hassan Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators to Introduce Bill to Promote Innovation in Higher Education
08/23/2018 Senator Hassan Votes to Approve Bipartisan FY19 Funding Bill to Bolster National Security, Combat the Opioid Crisis, and Invest in Critical New Hampshire Priorities
07/31/2018 Senator Hassan Statement on President Trump Signing Bipartisan Bill to Strengthen Career and Technical Education Programs in New Hampshire

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