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Chris Pappas' Public Statements on Issue: Environment

Date Title
11/05/2021 Pappas Delivers Infrastructure Investments to New Hampshire
10/18/2021 Pappas Applauds EPA Decision to Accelerate PFAS Timelines, Continues Call for Further EPA Action to Regulate PFAS Discharges
10/14/2021 NH Delegation Announces Nearly $300K to Support Project to Strengthen Climate Resilience in Coastal Granite State Communities
07/22/2020 Pappas Votes to Protect New Hampshire's Natural Environment with Landmark Conservation Legislation
07/21/2020 Pappas Applauds Passage of House National Defense Authorization Act Containing Key New Hampshire Priorities
04/27/2020 Pappas Leads Bipartisan Group of 83 Lawmakers in Calling for PFAS Action in Upcoming Stimulus Legislation
01/14/2020 Dingell and Pappas Introduce House Resolution to Defend Safeguards for Our Clean Water
12/11/2019 Congressman Pappas statement on NDAA conference committee report
09/25/2019 Bonamici Leads Colleagues in Resolution Recognizing Need to Take Action on Climate after Dire IPCC Ocean and Cryosphere Report
08/16/2019 NH Delegation Applauds Administration's Approval of Disaster Declaration for Grafton County
07/11/2019 NH Delegation Responds to Trump's Opposition to Their Efforts to Ban DoD Use of PFAS Firefighting Foam
07/02/2019 Pappas and Kuster Introduce Legislation to Decrease PFAS Contamination and Hold Polluters Accountable
05/02/2019 House Passes Sweeping Climate Legislation with Kuster, Pappas Provision Included
04/10/2019 Shaheen, Rounds Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Assist Veterans & Service Members Exposed to PFAS Contaminants
02/14/2019 Congressman Pappas reacts to EPA's announcement of a PFAS Action Plan