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Joe Crowley's Public Statements on Issue: Religion

Date Title
05/25/2018 Chairman Crowley, Interfaith Leaders Hold Religious Freedom Roundtable
04/25/2018 Rubio, Baldwin Applaud Congressional Passage of JUST Act
06/09/2017 Jayapal Leads Members of Congress in Denouncing Anti-Muslim Marches
10/07/2016 Vice Chair Crowley Welcomes Steps in New U.S. Army Directive That Will Allow Sikh Americans, Others to Receive Career-Long Religious Accommodations
05/11/2016 House Delegation Introduces Religious Freedom Bill
07/30/2015 In New Letter, Crowley, Bera, Members of Congress Seek Answers from Basketball League on its Discrimination Against Sikh Players
03/25/2015 After 3 Years and Tragic Massacre in Wisconsin, House Members, Advocates Welcome Federal System to Help Stop Hate Crimes Against Sikh, Hindu, and Arab American Communities
12/01/2014 Congressman Crowley Honored with The Faith & Politics Institute's John Lewis-Amo Houghton Leadership Award
08/20/2014 Crowley Calls on Mayor, NYPD to Address Violence Against NYC's Sikh Community
08/05/2014 Congressman Crowley Strongly Condemns Attack on Sikh Businessman in Queens
01/28/2014 Hoyer, Pelosi, Slaughter & DeGette, Along with 87 Members of Congress File Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Contraceptive Coverage Requirement Challenge
09/25/2013 Congressman Crowley Strongly Condemns Vicious Attack on Sikh Professor Near Central Park
08/02/2013 One Year After Oak Creek Attacks, Members of Congress Commend FBI and Department of Justice for Groundbreaking Decision to Begin Tracking Hate Crimes Against Sikh, Hindu and Arab-Americans
07/31/2013 Congressman Crowley Condemns Vandalism at Sikh Gurdwara in Riverside, CA
06/05/2013 In Aftermath of Hate Crimes Against Sikhs, Hindus, Arabs, Congressman Crowley Cheers Influential FBI Advisory Board Recommendation to Begin Tracking Hate Crimes
05/30/2013 Ahead of Pivotal Advisory Board Hearing, Congressman Crowley Submits Testimony Urging FBI to Collect Hate Crimes Data Against Sikh, Hindu, Arab American Communities
04/25/2013 Gillibrand, Crowley Announce Legislation to Increase Kosher Food in Emergency Food Supply
04/19/2012 Congressman Crowley Leads Over 90 Members of Congress in Urging FBI to Collect Data on Hate Crimes Against Sikh Community
09/03/2010 Congressman Crowley Celebrates Ramadan with Bangladeshi American Community
06/06/2007 Rep. Crowley Commemorates 40th Anniversary of Israel's Victory in the Six-Day War