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Gregory Meeks' Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 5

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Date Title
12/21/2020 Key Provisions of Rep. Meeks, and Senators Warner, Schumer, Harris and Booker Legislation Included in COVID19 Relief Package
12/03/2020 Rep Meeks Elected Chair of House Foreign Affairs Committee
11/18/2020 Meeks Bill Barring Russia from G7 Passes House
10/29/2020 Construction on Rockaways -- Atlantic Shorefront Resiliency Project Starts
07/24/2020 Hastings, Meeks' Statement on Foreign Affairs Funding for Diversity and Global Anti-Racism Programs
07/22/2020 Trone Joins Senators Warner, Booker, Harris, and Schumer and Chairman Meeks to Introduce Legislation to Help Low-Income and Minority Communities During Economic Crisis
07/21/2020 Senators Introduce Legislation to Help Low-Income and Minority Communities During Economic Crisis
06/19/2020 Rep. Meeks Joins President of Museum of Korean American Heritage and the Consulate General for the Republic of Korea for their Donation of PPE
06/19/2020 Rep. Meeks Introduces Bill Requiring Wall Street Disclosures of Bonds Relating to Police Brutality
05/13/2020 Reps. Pressley and Meeks Introduce Legislation Prohibiting Banks from Garnishing Economic Impact Payments
02/28/2020 Bipartisan Members of Congress Express Support for Democratic Elections in Guyana
02/20/2020 Meeks Criticizes Sale of Taxi Medallion Loans
02/06/2020 Congressman Lowenthal Introduces Bill To Protect Federal Lands In Utah As Wilderness
01/31/2020 Chairman Deutch Introduces Bipartisan Resolution Condemning Iranian Persecution of Baha'is
07/18/2019 Committee Members Ask Hard-Hitting Questions, Facebook Offers Very Few Answers
07/12/2019 Meeks' Corporate Diversity Bill Passes HFS Committee
06/25/2019 Booker, Harris, Meeks Introduce Resolution Designating June as African American Music Appreciation Month
06/13/2019 Governor Cuomo Announces 12 Members of the New York Congressional Delegation Join Growing Campaign to Legalize Surrogacy and Ban the Gay and Trans Panic Legal Defense Before the End of Session
05/23/2019 Menendez, Booker, Join House and Senate Dems to Introduce Legislation Guaranteeing Equal Access to Abortion Services Everywhere
01/25/2019 Chairman Meeks Introduces Bills to Provide Financial Relief and Protection to Federal Workers Impacted by Shutdown
01/18/2019 Rep. Meeks Issues Statement on Guyana
01/15/2019 Rep. Meeks Calls on Republicans to Own Censure of Steve King
10/23/2018 NYC Reps and CMs Call for CFPB Anti-Discrimination Official's Dismissal
08/23/2018 Rep. Meeks Issues Statement on DeVos Seeking to Arm Educators
07/26/2018 Reps. Frankel, Engel, Meeks, and Davis Introduce Resolution Recognizing NATO's Contributions to U.S. Security, Countering Trump's Dangerous Rhetoric

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