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Gregory Meeks' Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 5

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Date Title
07/23/2018 NYC Lawmakers Demand Trump Administration Officials Reunite Separated Families
07/21/2018 Citing Brett Kavanaugh's Interpretation of an Unlimited 2nd Amendment, Governor Cuomo, Members of Congressional Black Caucus and New York Congressional Delegation Call on Senate to Block His Confirmation
07/10/2018 Forty-Four Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats Release Statement on Trump Meetings With NATO and Putin
07/10/2018 Democrats: Invest $70 billion to Upgrade NYCHA and Public Housing Across America
06/08/2018 Congressman Crowley, Members of the New York City Congressional Delegation Meet with Deputy Postmaster General
03/07/2018 Clarke, Meeks, Serrano Introduce Hardest Hit Housing Act of 2018
03/07/2018 Reps. Meeks, Clarke, Serrano Introduce Hardest Hit Housing Act of 2018
02/27/2018 Rep. Meeks Renews Push for Assault Weapons Ban
02/14/2018 U.S. Reps. Meeks, Meng, Maloney, Velasquez, and Jeffries Meet with USPS to Discuss NYC Postal Crisis
01/12/2018 Bipartisan Bill Seeks to Help Small Banks Serve Communities
01/12/2018 Reps. Meeks, Love, Gottheimer Introduce Bipartisan Bill for Community-Focused Institutions
01/12/2018 Rep. Meeks Condemns Trump's Offensive "Sh*thole" Comment
01/12/2018 Rep. Meeks Introduces Bill to Encourage Law Enforcement Agencies to Report Lost or Stolen Weapons
01/12/2018 Rep. Meeks Condemns Trump's Offensive "Sh*thole" Comment
12/12/2017 Rep. Meeks Introduces Resolution Calling for Congress to Investigate Sexual Misconduct Claims against Pres. Trump
11/29/2017 Democratic Co-Lead Rep. Meeks Statement on the Introduction of the ENOUGH Act
11/16/2017 Reps. Moore, Meeks Lead 56 House Democrats in Letter to FCC about Lifeline Program
11/07/2017 Rep. Meeks and Sen. Wyden Introduce Bill to Stop Private Prisons from Exploiting Tax Incentives for Profit
11/01/2017 Reps. Meeks and Budd Bipartisan Bill to Encourage IPOs Passes House
10/12/2017 Reps. Meeks and Budd's Bipartisan Legislation Encouraging IPOs Passes Financial Services Committee
10/12/2017 Meng, Joined by Members of NYC Congressional Delegation, Seek to Help Borrowers Who Used Queens-Based Melrose Credit Union to Finance Purchase of New York City Taxi Medallions
10/03/2017 Reps. Meeks and Budd Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Encourage IPOs
07/20/2017 Reps. Meeks and McHenry Introduce H.R. 3299 to Encourage Financial Innovation and Protect Consumers Access to Credit
06/20/2017 Sens. Murray, Cantwell Join 196 Members of Congress Asking the Court to Compel President Trump to Obey the Constitution
06/13/2017 ICYMI: Democrats Stand United Against the Wrong Choice Act

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